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BB Australia 2013 HM Popularity Tracker

Here is the chart up to today's info. I've left Ed in (as per his number last night), because, well, because it brings me joy :)bbb31oct.JPG
And this one shows the actual no. of points added/deducted from each of the remaining housemates Wks 1 through 12. I've left Ed in again, just because it's interesting to see that he was never ever ever on a positive trend. Yes, I said "interesting", not "surprising". :)bbb2.JPG
I was going to put in my plus and minus, but I won't. I think I'm done with it. I'm pretty sure this is how the ranking is going to be for the rest of the season. I also think that it'll be the eviction order BUT swap Jade and Boog or Jade and Drew around (with Boog leaving first). My measly 1+ and -1 isn't going to make a difference over the next week. Letting it go :)