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Battle of the Bands task - songs inside

The girls' song is so much better. I feel the Boys' is too edited and just not good :/
it's kind of a weird task...
A LIVE cross to the house on Mornings today:


I know its against the "NO CONTACT WITH OUTSIDE WORLD" rule, but it was actually kinda cool. They're going the whole hog with Media Interviews, Gigs, Videos, Live Performances... Not a bad task at all :)

Also, what I got from that, I wish David Campbell was hosting Big Brother... Sonia has lost her flare...
Also, what I got from that, I wish David Campbell was hosting Big Brother... Sonia has lost her flare...

I prefer mornings over channel 7. The banter between Sonia and David just works.... Here's an idea... Let them cohost!!!
I prefer mornings over channel 7. The banter between Sonia and David just works.... Here's an idea... Let them cohost!!!

*bad memories of Kyle & Jackie-O come to mind* to be fair, their radio show is great. Just not on camera.

I don't really get to watch Mornings. From what I've seen though, David isn't afraid to let loose & have some fun. Sonia was like that too once upon a time (Dancing WTS).
*bad memories of Kyle & Jackie-O come to mind* to be fair, their radio show is great. Just not on camera.

I don't really get to watch Mornings. From what I've seen though, David isn't afraid to let loose & have some fun. Sonia was like that too once upon a time (Dancing WTS).

Actually i know there has been some talk for a while about filming the K&J show for cable like the Howard Stern show used to do.

I saw these videos..they are badddd.

The girl one gave me bad flashbacks to Bardot
the boys had the better song (and that's not saying much), but the girls had the better performance, thanks to mikayla and jade.

drew and tim were passable, but the rest of the boys were awful.
If I EVER have to hear either of those songs again, I'm going to dig out my ear drums with a knitting needle.
Hot Pantz have surpassed 53,000, leading ManDate at 48,000.
[MENTION=33242]chumly[/MENTION] you're going to have a bad time on Monday night.
The girls' song is so much better. I feel the Boys' is too edited and just not good :/
it's kind of a weird task...

In the boy's video clip Tahan doesn't get a look in :( .....and would have liked to seen Tully's reaction at seeing herself crying and in the next shot Jade smiling, then not long after, Drew is whispering in Jade's ear....all in close ups....;)

Love the way Mikki is featured in the girls clip.....and really rocks it....:cool:
The Guy's video has just gone VIRAL on YouTube !!!! 25 million views!

Ahh just kiddin ... that video sucked.
I prefer the girls' song over the guys'. I think it would be cool if they used the winning song as the morning wake up call on the final day in the house when only the finalists remain so it can bring back memories for them.

Oh, but I really hope that the housemates DON'T have to perform a dance routine to these songs to perform at the finale.
Just saw what Celeb BB UK have done.

It makes me appreciate BBAU "Battle of the Bands" SO MUCH MORE:

If I EVER have to hear either of those songs again, I'm going to dig out my ear drums with a knitting needle.

Perhaps the following will assist to get the sound out of your ears and redirect the knitting needles towards your eyes instead. :D


Ummm, what was blowing his hair around ? lol.

... and for a little less hair blowing in the breeze:


The battle of the bands task forgotten now ?
