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Most studies have found there is a very weak correlation between spelling and general intelligence, basically one has nothing to do with the other. However both can occur in one person, but not usually in a causative sense and a third variable should never be discounted.

Richard Branson had bad dyslexia growing up and couldn't spell for shit and teachers thought he had learning difficulties, no way in hell is that guy stupid!
Her error was not to listen or write things down. Nearly all the HMs said make it 5 kgs of everything she didn't listen to that and then forgot due to too much info at once it also was a smart ass BB going for laughs by taking her literally on some of the items. Some threw out other figures to be smart asses knowing Skye was looking flustered. No one got mad at her for screwing it up which I think a couple were hoping would happen

In regards to spelling I was quite good at it at school and rated well on intelligence but if you stop writing or as happens now there is more txt speak the spelling skills can drop away.
It was funny when she had the nominations power and was reading peoples names, surprised at how Aisha's name was spelled. I wonder what she thought it was!
At the time I thought she may have thought of it as Aysha? But now seeing her spelling for the first time, it could have possibly been Aesha/Ayshar/Aicha? LOL
I think the fact that they gave her 6kg of "iceburge" was viewing gimmick... she obviously meant x6 and lettuce is usually sold ea. I did 5 years at a supermarket and have never seen lettuce sold by the kilo.

P.S. Einstein was dyslexic.
only time I have seen lettuce sold by the kilo is when it is broken up leaves in a mix, and it is like $12.00 - sometimes $20 a kilo ... not whole lettuce, but in those bags at woolies or coles or sometimes, you can take it and bag your own. Never seen a head
(whole) lettarse sold by kilo
12dz eggs for 12 people for a week is actually pretty perfect!
as far as the kg thing goes, ive seen professional chefs make the same mistakes, thinking they were ordering ea rather than kgs and whatnot. lettuce being sold by weight is pretty strange too. only time ive ever seen it sold that way way is in a box of washed loose leaf mesclun or the like. i suspect bb looks for ways to make them fail the shopping task.