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Episode Australian Survivor (2017) - Episode 2 Discussion Samantha is cosying up to SASsman Mark each night?... I so don't like that girl at all... cheers.
...Khun Khun we're all in the episode 3 thread my dear lady... I've only just realised it lol!... cheers.
You all failed preschool.

It was kind of surprising that more of them didn't seem that interested in someone looking for an idol. On the US show the whole tribe would probably have run over to that area to have a look.
Lock in that he's an idiot please Eddy.
Seriously, this lot seem to be overthinking the game. I get why Annaliese was a target, she sucked at the challenge, but we saw Kate's name thrown in the mix, with no reason, didn't see any discussion at all about Anna.

When it was clear AK was safe in the vote it was obvious that Adam was going as the edit was really just about them two.