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ArchiveAll Big Brother Launch Shows and Finales



From 2001 to 2008 and 2012 are on youtube for anyone who wants to have a Big Brother all nighter.

2013 Launch Show is also up on youtube somewhere.

The Winners of each big brother were

2001: Ben (with Blair runner up)
2002: Peter (with Marty runner up)
2003: Reggie (with Chrissie runner up)
2004: Trevor (with Brie runner up)
2005: Logans* (with Tim Runner up) *Logan Greg individually won the show*
2006: Jamie (with Camilla Runner up)
2007: Aleisha (with Zach Runner up)
2008: Terri (with Rory runner up)
2012: Benjamin (with Layla runner up)
2013: ?

Just type in Big brother australia and the year launch show and they will come up.

Who is your favourite winner? and if you had to pick a all-stars house with one of each season and a total of 14 housemates who would you pick?
I think most people know all this already :) My favourite winner is probably Reggie2003 or Ben2012. An all stars house with 1-2 housemates per season?

2001: Jonny and Sara-Marie
2002: Nathan
2003: Reggie and Chrissie
2004: Paul
2005: Vesna and Tim
2006: Michael and Anna/Dino/David/Camilla
2007: Zach and Bodie
2008: Nobbi and Brigitte
2012: Ben and Bradley
2013: Tim and Mikkayla
Sara Marie, Nathan, Reggie, Paul, Vesna, Hotdogs (for the LOL factor), Michael, Anna, Camilla, Emma, Brigitte, Nobbi, Terri, Ben, Michael and Tim. That's 16 for me haha
Fav winner would probably be Reggie and Ben 2012 just because he's auditioned almost every year and he finally got in!