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Aisha Vs. Lawson

I missed bits & pieces of some episodes. What has Lawson done to Aisha? Why does she hate him so much? Especially considering he gave her the 20 grand. I think she is being an ungrateful brat!
I cannot believe anyone would side with lawson and I find it disgusting he nominated her over this.
Aisha was having a very brief mention to Ryan, so that he would see Travis's position from a calmer viewpoint - in order to benefit the whole house. She was wrapping it up, basically saying "it's not anyone's fight but yours, I'm now removing myself from this, that's all I have to say", THEN lawson deliberately provokes her, tell's her "but it's not your fight either" TWO times - obviously she is going to stand up for herself, telling him to not provoke her when she's trying to have a 'civil conversation'. Then that utterly stupid comment "I don't feel like it's a civil conversation" - yes lawson. obviously it's not now that you stirred things up, intentionally.
Then him saying that Aisha "showed people a terrible side of her" and the way she behaved was disgusting/immature etc - as if anyone is falling for this. He completely led her to explode and got exactly what he wanted, now he has the nerve to criticise her for getting revved up? I wouldn't have been able to do anything but give it straight back to him if he did that to me. Lawson disgusts me