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OK so tipping has closed. Regrettably for him, @GrantGotGold did not get any tips in on time.

@Meglos and @Lucas are on exactly the same wavelength this week.

Not much love for the Contenders winning either reward or Monday's immunity, but much more so for Tuesday's immunity.

Benji and Heath most tipped to go tonight, with Shane and Jackie tomorrow. Let's see how that works out!

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Hi timmydownawell,

I'm so sorry. I have had trouble posting and logging in this past week.

Will get my tips in for next week. Sorry again.
Ok let's do the tipping thus, given a tribe swap is in the offing:

Overall Winner:
Tribe Wins Reward Challenge (red/blue):
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Mon (red/blue):
Voted Out Mon:
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Tue (red/blue):

Voted Out Tue:

PM me your tips by 3pm AEST Monday.

We will all have to use the Hans method this week @timmydownawell


...I'm not... I'm going to use my brains/wit/cunning and expert knowledge of the show and gameplay... I'm going to analyse/scrutinize and hypothesise all the data that is available to me and then... and then... erm... I'm screwed aren't I?... where's my hat?... I've got things to draw out from it... cheers.
...I'm not... I'm going to use my brains/wit/cunning and expert knowledge of the show and gameplay... I'm going to analyse/scrutinize and hypothesise all the data that is available to me and then... and then... erm... I'm screwed aren't I?... where's my hat?... I've got things to draw out from it... cheers.

Send me your tips and I will go the opposite. :p
Ok let's do the tipping thus, given a tribe swap is in the offing:

Overall Winner:
Tribe Wins Reward Challenge (red/blue):
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Mon (red/blue):
Voted Out Mon:
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Tue (red/blue):

Voted Out Tue:

PM me your tips by 3pm AEST Monday.

OMG. This week is going to be so hard. What's the plan if the colours change? Did I read somewhere that you'll go warm/cool colours?? Cos then I need to Google what warm and cool colours are because I have no idea! 🤔
OMG. This week is going to be so hard. What's the plan if the colours change? Did I read somewhere that you'll go warm/cool colours?? Cos then I need to Google what warm and cool colours are because I have no idea! 🤔
LOL the promo is still full of red and blue so I think we're good.
...I've been stubborn this afternoon and decided not to just pull the names and results out of a hat like I said that I would so as to put in my tips.... so... I looked at who was left... subdivided the hypotenuse of the remaining castaways into groups and then multiplied the sassiness of some of them by 3 and again subdivided the result by 7... I then calculated the boganess of some of the others that were on each team and threw in the nerd factor within each members of the team and of course divided it by 2... then minused it by 3... then I used the Timey Wimey wobble factor to figure out which team would gain immunity on both nights which then led me to look at the historic meanderings of those that had already left which led me to the conclusion that I did not have the foggiest idea of who the fug to pick!...

...therefore I re-looked at the remaining people that were left on the Island yet again and factored in the ones that I dislike the most and did a ratio to personality trigonometrical calculus equation of who I still liked on there... well... that's when the confusions and problems started... so I minused the boganess factor and the Timey Wimey wobble factor too and then the solution hit me!... I had that 'Eureka' moment! ... it was staring me in the face all of the time!... I'll just pick the bloody names and team out of the hat afterall!... bloody stupid tipping competition!... where's that bloody stupid hat?... lol!... I'll get my tips to you soon Timmy my friend... cheers.

Ok let's do the tipping thus, given a tribe swap is in the offing:

Overall Winner:
Tribe Wins Reward Challenge (red/blue):
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Mon (red/blue):
Voted Out Mon:
Tribe Wins Immunity Challenge Tue (red/blue):

Voted Out Tue:

PM me your tips by 3pm AEST Monday.

Ok so I am a little confused. Your signature has "Tribe Wins Reward Challenge Tuesday" and that isn't included in the above tips. Do we pick a reward winner for both Monday and Tuesday?