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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2018) - Episode Discussion

...yes Lisa... play on the 'dysfunctional marriage' act that you and Oldie have going with that comment... you don't really need to keep playing that role... just be yourself without referencing him all the time and people may like you more... cheers.
...oh well... I may just go to bed and collapse for a while you lovely people... thanks for all of the fun... and thanks for the info that you supplied for me too kxk... you're a gem... nite all... cheers.
...I may have caught a bug from my son-in-law on the weekend during our fishing trip kxk... I have rotten sinus type headaches... feel spewey (haven't done it as of yet) and have a touch of gastro to boot... I'm keeping up the fluids but cannot take any flu tablets because of the tablets I take since my last stroke so I have to 'tough it out' as my Doctor informed me... so as I said... I'm struggling tonight... cheers.

Hey Mr Stickyfingers. Sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope you feel better real soon. Remember to take it easy and rest.
Finished here. Bit of a slow show tonight, but that doesn't matter, at least that's something real not contrived. Julia's hosting is really starting to annoy, and Chris's too. Their skits are getting worse, and the deliberate mispronunciations are bugging me. That she can't just say 'jungle' or '.au' .

The Steve Price interviews have added something positive to the show I think. It's good to get that extra little insight into the campmates' lives.
...evenin' all... oh gawd!... I am seriously as crook as a dog tonight and it's also Chewsday too!... I've felt spewy and crook all day so will obviously be looking away a lot tonight... you may not see as much of me during tonight's show but am going to try and last until the end regardless... cheers.

Hope you're feeling better soon Mr Sticky. Try not to think about ostrich anuses. (Sorry, too late).
I'm sorry I can't share in the Simone love, but I just don't get anything much from her. I thought Steve Price's interview with her was the dullest yet, as it was just a chance to plug a "romance" that we've seen ZERO evidence of on-screen. We barely see them even near each other. If it's not on the daily show it didn't happen as far as I'm concerned, I don't care what the gossip mags make up.

I also saw Jackie's eyes light up at the mention of Charlotte Dawson, so that "reveal" is coming soon, for sure.

Also, Simone's comments about all male models being boring/stupid/whatever it was. If a male said that about female models there would be all kinds of uproar, so stop with the sexist shit please.

Biggest shock of the night was the loss of Pete's hair. Bad Brenda!
I picked up straight away that Lisa 'cheated' in the eating trial.

But when Julia saw the food on the floor she said it was there beforehand.
...I've been really studying Vicky and honestly don't believe that she's putting on an 'act' while here... I think that she's just being her genuine self... she's so nice... but apparently we're going to see her break down from some past mistakes by the looks of it... we all have our demons from our pasts I suppose?... but I really do like Vicky and am really liking Paul too... cheers.
I’m on the same page. But at the moment cannot get reception through bloody Foxtel for free to air. So annoying. I watch back through the apps. Bloody disgraceful third world telecommunications in the wilds of Kingscliff.