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Masterchef 2017

Ray always looks so morose in the background... I wonder if he's thinking about bulkbilling.

He's got some cooking chops. (Cough.) He won a mystery box, and he did something spicy that David Thompson really loved, that I saw in a preview, that they cut from the episode. So he can stay around for a while, I think.
I think Tamara's gonna be around for a while yet.

...I feel the same my friend :(:sorry:... I can see it now...

Don't you go bursting my balloon!!

...hahaha!... I love your dream Tuttle but...

Yeah Ray can stay maybe another week, we'd lose half our jokes without Ray.

...oooooh!... I never thought of it like that oddjob!... lol!... a good point indeed!... cheers.