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Masterchef 2017 was very brave of Karlie to start all over again and drop some elements and she may just help her team to scrape through this if they are lucky... cheers.
...I have to admit it... I'm really enjoying the suspense tonight being that Gary/George and Matt haven't interfered in this at any time at all... that's the way that it should be all of the time in my books... cheers.
...oh gawd!... 'Benjamin' the Lawyer got to speak and said "I'm so happy with what WE did as a team tonight!"... from memory mate I think that YOU put your team behind the eight-ball from the get go didn't you?... cheers.
I think that ray is annoying. Quite liked the Callum save. I so liked that it was maple syrup rather than honey. I loathe honey with a weird passion. I replace honey with maple syrup all the time.

...Ray shouldn't even still be here as far as I'm concerned... I'm still fuming that they saved him and sent Pia home... the bastards!... cheers.
...bwahahahaha!... Ray's forgotten the JELLY!... so 'jelly-gate' may save ALL of the other teams because of good ol' "I gave up everything but I can't cook for shit" Ray forgot to add the jelly!... phuckin' phunny!... (and I bet that he won't go home tomorrow night either too)... cheers.