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Episode Australian Survivor (2016) - Episode 7 Discussion

...Nick's a High School Teacher eh?... those kids are going to give him absolute Hell when he returns to School lol!... cheers.
It will be drama drama drama
Don't they need Nick for challenges? He is one of the stronger ones in the team.
Yeah, below Kylie, pretty much above the others who are running things into the ground [DOUBLEPOST=1473072270][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm sure the crew get them to stage conversations about voting someone other than the obvious person, just to add that element of doubt to Tribal
I doubt they need to with that tribe.
Okay, so my theory is: if Nick doesn't go again tonight, he probably lives right to the end, despite being the "one that everyone wants out" the whole way. Hence the amount of air time he gets.

...I definitely don't want Nick out... he's great for this show lol!... I want to see him and Craig to clash at some time... now THAT would be good TV!... cheers.