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Episode Australian Survivor (2016) - Episode 3 Discussion

I'm at work so it's very tricky to keep up. Tegan (my sweep person) was featured early on and I have no idea why.

She was dull as ditchwater and mulishly unwilling to partake in the devious taking of a hidden immunity idol location clue, but convinced to go along with it by devious sneaky Nick!
Very proud of myself - today I did some minor plumbing and fixed the blockage occurring in my washing machine outlet:)

There are more votes for Kat aren't there. Lee, evan, ???
"Hi. Im Kat. Ive got my clever clogs tribal specs on. Look out. Im intelligent."
Or the glasses are like some x-ray vision into the minds of others cos I dont see why you need the specs for tribal.
She was dull as ditchwater and mulishly unwilling to partake in the devious taking of a hidden immunity idol location clue, but convinced to go along with it by devious sneaky Nick!
Ok. I think I will need to watch it at home on replay.
If I was Evan or Kat I would be saying that if they had a better leader they would be winning challenges. Phoebe is going to screw them all over and you can see she does not like anyone in the tribe and is influencing Lee and Rohan.
The host tries to get them to talk/trip up/say something stupid, reveal anything about themselves.
He will interrogate them more or less.
Winners are good at tribal, some are like magic cleverly avoiding revealing anything