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Episode Day 71 (17/11/2014) Eviction

Did you watch Reality Check, with Abbott warned stunts turn BB into a circus instead of the zoo it is supposed to be.
And the dickhead producer from the Block illustrated 9s opposite procedure, claimed ownership of 9s stunt drive to grab kids and keep them
no. Link? Or where can I watch that?
There's like 9 or 10 people in the house. Everything that happens is everyones business, how are you not aware of that?
Well remember that all the HMs kept their opinions to themselves when Cat merely mentioned she had a crush on Lawson.

Oh wait...
...seriously... we've had no fucking Big fucking Brother for 3 fucking days and they're fucking showing that fucking stupid fucking footage of fucking Penny not being able to fucking drink that fucking stupid fucking cup of fucking coffee?... fuck you Big Brother!... fucking show us footage of the fucking last 3 fucking days where we've fucking seen fuck all of what's been happening you dumb fucks!!!!!.... seriously... what the fuck is wrong with you Alex???... you dumbass fuckstick!!!!... rant over...:rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
I love this rant on so many levels! I needed this more than I could possibly tell you... It's like a holy light went off, and deep within my soul, you spoke to it!
I have a glade wax melt thingy that is pretty good ad concealing odours if anyone is curious. Unlike BB my endorsement is genuine.