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Episode Day 66 (12/11/14) Eviction

Ryan says: "I have spent way too much time with Leo. Our friendship has expired"

Ryan has such mean streak. I can see that he is occasionally funny, but he is not a good person. I am not sure where it comes from, but I guess it must some kind of deep-rooted insecurity.
So if a guy likes a girl who is girly, it is sexist, but if a woman likes a man who is manly it isn't?
I don't like Travis but I see his point. It is his personal preferance and from what I saw he treated Aisha really well. He was kind and sweet, didn't bring her down or make her feel inferior etc. So he was not being sexist.
Like it or not sexism is still a massive problem in today's society, I am actually thrilled the housemates are having such educated discussions with different viewpoints. This is what Big Brother is about, and you people are complaining?

Yeah cause it's awesome to see three dudes laying around bitching about what friendships they are apparently "over" - cause "guys don't bitch".
I'm sorry but I'm REALLY hating the male hatin' club in there.

It's one thing to have beliefs and it's another to actively try and bait a man into saying something that could be spun into being "sexist". Kinda defeats the whole purpose of equality.

Lina has been a TERRIBLE influence on the house.
"I refuse to acknowledge that"
what does that even mean? You're fucking acknowledging it by responding to it, shut the fuck up

She knew he was right and had nothing else to say so she decided to go HURRR IM BETTER THAN THIS NOT ANSWERING YOU SEXIST PIG

I know for a fact that all of my girl friends would agree 100% with Leo though.
Are there seriously people that know girls like Priya and Lina? SJW feminist bitches?