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Episode Day 58 (4/11/14) Double Eviction

They just might, as long as he is in there, with a chance of winning. Who said love is blind? Good luck to them on the outside, but fauxmances dont do much for the show any more and not many of them last on the outside. Thats probably why 2 supposed couples are now split and the other is on the rocks, as Skye tries to find the words to say to LEGO, I fancy Teflon, get over it. Watch Travis make a hit on Lina now, but I think she is way too smart for him. Nominations should be interesting tomorrow, especially if the 4 newbies have used Richards genius IQ, to work out an ingenious way to get the original housemates up for nomination, instead of themselves. Tom wouldnt be missed, but I wouldnt mind the other 3 staying a bit longer.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Trav & Aish are actually really serious. They really do seem pretty passionate together. Would it be a Big Brother first (in Aus) if they really do get engaged ? I'm actually kinda happy for them, it's kinda cool if it's not bullshit like some are saying. Aish is an amazing girl and anyone could see that, if I was him I'd be pretty happy to have met her and landed up in a relationship and on tv.

So glad that Lawson said that Teflon would win BB, it could motivate strategy Dave & Priya to work some strategy and help show us the light of what's going on there. I do think Teflon has a sneeky side to him, he seems to be playing it up big time, but he seems to be quitening down with his snide talk about other housemates since the groups have gotten smaller and he's getting more attention. I'm still failing to understand what evicted housemates are talking about when they say he was the funniest in the house. I haven't laughed at one thing he's said before, maybe I missed something, or perhaps the housemates are so dull that he is indeed the funniest person there.

Loved Lina's big tits in tonights episode, she should just let them loose, they where itching to be. ;)

I like her and want her to titallate us with her many talents. She's one of the newbies that I'd like to see taking on the big 4 (Dave, Skye, Priya & Ryan).
Percentages are as follows:

Aisha: 110% gracious and gorgeous

Clawson combined: 0% dignity, 0% compassion, 100% pathetic, 99% public happy they've gone apart from @reeepot

Skye: 100% owned poor Leo but he 100% played the role of beaten boyf... Love him!!

David and Priya: 500% strategy King and Queen team! FK off Richaaard...

Ryan: 99.99% up to his elbow in Tom's arse...

Richard: 98.7% on some test, once.

Travie: 110% heartbroken.

Lena: 50% HM yawning at her lenghty, unfunny make up application...

Penny: 2.5% pottery skills, 150% shits and giggles

I'm happy Cat and Lawson are gone.
The house is a sausage fest now. More boys than girls.

The trouble is that if past history repeats itself, the females will nominate each other. It never ceases to amaze me. This year might be a bit different, because I think these newbies have spent lots of time together and will have a plan to target the originals in a block. Its bound to be a double eviction again next week and possibly another triple. They have to cull the numbers somehow.
The trouble is that if past history repeats itself, the females will nominate each other. It never ceases to amaze me. This year might be a bit different, because I think these newbies have spent lots of time together and will have a plan to target the originals in a block. Its bound to be a double eviction again next week and possibly another triple. They have to cull the numbers somehow.
It's annoying that this whole week is basically eviction and nomination episodes. The 'daily show' doesnt' really exist in the evictions since the whole of the eviction show is presented by Sonia and has the crowd making noise in the background, not very good for making your own thoughts up and it just lands up feeling like a whole episode about the eviction. Next week will also follow the same course no doubt, perhaps it saves $ having to pay editors and gives Alex more time to pick up chicks in the Dreamworld canteen.

Out of interest, anyone know how many housemates there where in the final week of BB last year ? And the final night? (I only saw 1/3'rd of it last year)
Does anyone here upload bb to youtube because the usual uploaders are just not doing it tonight??? I dont wanna wait all day to be able to watch the latest episode..any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
My favourite part of tonight was Sonia saying "Next up, we'll see what the WORLD thinks about Cat & Lawson". Hasn't Sonia seen the ratings for the show red flagged in her inbox daily?
I can't believe no one has tried to upload today's episode.. Does anyone have any idea where it can be watched online?
Damn it. I thought BB was on 7:30 tonight?
WIN said this on their website, but they had advertised Life for 7.30pm. I was so confused that I recorded EVERYTHING and watched last week's Life.
Sonia asks "Do you regret not taking the 50k?" - how funny would that be? They'd look stupid if they say "no", because all they got was a couple of extra weeks or something.
"Money will always be there but the BB experience is once-in-a-lifetime." She had a point, I suppose.
So because no oercentages were shown we don't know who had less votes Aisha or Cat?
There was nothing. I've just watched the last 15 minutes that I didn't watch last night and nothing. Checked the tv guide online and there's nothing tonight at all. Totally messed up.
If you are bored and waiting for something on TV, this is on SBS

The Sixties

'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll'

SBS HD, 7:30pm, Tue, 4 Nov 2014, 60 minutes
:bang: That would have been great..
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From last nights episode
It seems like big brother is becoming like a soap opera
Like seriously
Aishas interview went for 5 minutes and cats went for 30 minutes which felt like 5 hours
Just because of the whole clawson thing
Lawson just started rubbing it like you would rub a Buddha. Happened as the credits started to roll. Couldn't tell Sonia's reaction because it was a long shot.
My guess? She leaned in and said, "Pump the brakes, you skeevy bastard. Remove that hand unless you want to wipe your ass with a hook from now on."

But that might just be me. ;)
Found the episode: I didn't understand why Skye was telling Leo that he was human and needed to step off his pedestal.

I didn't see how that was a response to him being upset she didn't vote to have him come over.