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Episode Day 57 (3/11/14) Eviction

Couldn't resist coming here and finding out results before watching..

Top 4!

David and Priya!! Double yay for both!!
Ryan! Yay!
Skye..umm..yep. You're there too.

Now on to watching..
Are you fucking serious Travis? "The guy literally wants to bond closer wiff our girls. Cos e's incompetent to do it imself while we're there. Cos he's less alpha male".
Priya just relaxing in the pool thinking "you talk so much shit Travis. Why do I have to listen to this? And it's with, not wiff"

Ugh, get him out.
I don't like what he did, but people fall for each other all the time, even when they shouldn't.
Life goes on, it isn't the end of the world.

And hopefully Candice becomes a stronger person through it all, moves on, and has a better life than she would have if she'd stayed with Lawson. One of life's lessons.