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Episode Day 45 (22/10/14) Eviction #8 or cash self-eviction of Traisha

Each HM thinks it is just for only them, but the audience do that for everyone. It means nothing. The audience is well trained that's all. Plus the audience is not Australia
My fellow Pristians, my heart literally stopped, I had the worst sinking feeling she would leave, but we got her through by the skin of her teeth. The push we made this week made all the difference in the world.

Now that it's back to single evictions, I'm feeling much more confident about WEEKS OF PRISUS TO COME.
This is literally so good.

No more gimmicks from Jason.

Priya and David in there to stir it up.

Travis still there to offer his stupid/brainless/hilarious comments every now and then.

Get rid of Marina and Leo and watch the house go UP.
No please get rid of a Clawson