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The kiss that divides the house

Maybe Lawson got a letter from his loved one, his letter to his father mentioned Candice, so maybe she contacted BB..
It's possible that Tahlia didn't contact BB last year, so Tully never found out about being dumped.
I wonder if it was one of 3 questions Lawson asked BB to tell him about?
it was one of the 3 questions and BB replied by saying he hadn't heard anything, but he may have now.
Maybe Lawson got a letter from his loved one, his letter to his father mentioned Candice, so maybe she contacted BB..
It's possible that Tahlia didn't contact BB last year, so Tully never found out about being dumped.
I wonder if it was one of 3 questions Lawson asked BB to tell him about?

It was, Lawson said so in the Diary Room when he was soooooooooo overcome with emotion >_<
To be fair to Lawson, at least he waited until his girlfriend dumped him because of was emotionally involved and only potentially physically involved with another lady on a national reality TV show before he actually hooked up with the other girl.
From the facebook comments


Will the viewers be all for Clawson now, if his GF did dump him before he pashed Cat...will it now be seen as love story and romantic?
I hope one of the other housemates gives them a serving - Aisha I'm looking at you girl!
They need to be destroyed - don't give this fake ass "it's none of your business".
It might not be their business but they are destroying the self esteem of a woman on national television and someone should give them hell.
There were the few doubters who still thought they hadn't crossed any lines and that the producers added the kissing sounds previously.
I'd say that even without 'hard' cheating evidence the way he has continued carrying on with Cat was damning enough for him to be out of contention as a potential winner.

Not to mention the fact that he has ceased being the lovable goofy guy he appeared to be early on and revealed an arsehole side to his personality that didn't surface in the first few weeks.