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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

Wonder what the fallout from the noms will be for skye.

Is this still a double? I thought Wednesdays show was changing?
quick conspiracy...If BB edits Skype to look bad enough to be nomed, knowing she has a HUGE fan base which equated directly to $ votes. Thus ensuring she remains to be a cash cow (pardon the pun)

I don't know why everyone is so annoyed about the girls crying, they were obviously close to the boys and the eviction had JUST happened. of course they are going to be upset.
how do we know which ones are gay? do they have a secret handshake? is it the color of their laces??
I am referring to Jason. As a queer person myself, I just felt like saying it. He is 'flying under the radar' so to speak. He adds no real value to the show. The others at least, whether I like them or not, get me reacting to their behaviours.
I really think the dumb arse tween Travis voters will put their efforts into Ryan. I reckon BB expected Leo to be up so had a double ready to go but no mention of it? Im hoping its scrapped till the following week. fucking Cat the cunt stays arrgh!