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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations


4 Cat...because she Fuck's me right off and she is a big fucking Dobber

1...Ryan...what a fucker and a wanker


3 Priya..because I am FUCKING MORON

2 Skye..because she is fuck...I cannot even describe her.


3 Priya.....fucking starchy carbs bitch

2...Aisha...because I have to nom the fucking girls because the boys do


4 Fucking Jason FAAAARK

Loving your work tonight Medusa.
Prisus was nommed for the stupidest reasons. They should just admit they feel threatened because she's the only goddess in that house.
please sky get lawson up
Good chance she will so long as she doesn't get confused about the power. Have you noticed it is ALWAYS Lawson calling things out to her, and they're supposed to be a "joke" I guess but like I've told my teen son, it ain't a joke if nobody laughs and nobody does laugh when Lawson says stuff to Skye. He did it tonight when she got called to do the treasure thing, yelled out something about putting on a dress and getting out of her nightie.
We've seen barely any of the things people are being nominated for. I think the producers are using nominations as a way to cut back to content they don't think they have time to show during episodes. Like it's a quick fix, a way to show what drama has happened in the house without actually having to give us much context or full scenes of interaction. It's lazy production.