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Episode Day 28 (5/10/2014) Daily Show

Yea I feel do bad for Lawson's girl. She doesn't deserve this at all. If the whole of australia saw ur boyfriend willingly sleep next to another girl and kiss someone else then there is no going back. He could have just gone to kat.. "Oh I'm sorry my gf might get the wrong idea.. so I think I Wil take the couch" but he didn't. Dick move!

To be honest kat going after a man that is attached and Lawson kissing another girl when he is taken just shows poor character. And i refuse to believe alcohol had caused their irrationality. Bull shit lol.. When there is alcohol involved you are more yourself then ever and u do what u think feels right.

It just amazes me how Shitty people can act. Just goes to show no matter how old u are.. whether it be 31 or 24.. good character and conscience is just something these guys don't have and sadly a lot of people don't.

How embarassing for everyone involved including his girlfriend.
Lawson is totally indulging this Cat crush, my belief is that he knows it will be an entertaining story line for viewers. If he cheats on his long term girlfriend he will a dog and will be out soon. I hope his girlfriend sells her story to woman's day and makes some dollars from his potential DOG act.

bunch of DOGS
Sooooo... does Lawson's girlfriend have a Twitter account by any chance?

It's just that last time this happened, there was more action on Twitter than there was on television