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Episode Day 21 (28/09/2014) Daily Show (Sunday)

Oh my gosh NO, I work out how much I want to spend on voting then place a bet on who I thinks gunna go.... It works out much better (well, for me anyway) :woot:

I want to bet as well... But I'm more concerned about how I want to influence the show and keep the people I like! I'm glad I voted for Mikkayla, Jade, Tahan and Tim when they needed the votes!

So who do you think is going tomorrow? I'm leaning towards putting some money on Katie!
I want to bet as well... But I'm more concerned about how I want to influence the show and keep the people I like! I'm glad I voted for Mikkayla, Jade, Tahan and Tim when they needed the votes!

So who do you think is going tomorrow? I'm leaning towards putting some money on Katie!

I don't give a toss who stays or goes, well, I do, but not to the point of voting ...

I put $10 on Katie - bitch better go :p
Yeah, not really Tully, cos YOU were the one with a GF on the outside, going after a guy...

Unless you are talking about the Ed/Jade/Drew situation - chick wants someone who isn't into her, and the guy she came into the house wants her, but she just sees him as a friend.
pretty sure Drew was also attached but it wasnt as publicized.
So huge promotion of Sandra, mild promotion of David and Priya. Yet only one of those is actually up for eviction.

No interest in the Sam-Sandra thing, Sandra still just seems dull. Sam getting head of house, blah. Lawson back to talk strategy again with Sam, Ryan mates with Sam. Not interested really. The strategy talk actually felt out of place and forced like they have to make some remarks for the cameras.

Many of the conversations seem to be part of a task where they have to discuss topics, and then the editors pick out those people who they want to promote.

The show seems to liven up more when it's around Katie, Lisa, Skye, Travis and maybe Cat when she speaks out.
I was hoping they were pushing for a less soapy season, then the Sandra shit started, and the mean girls bullying the tanned brainless barbie.
OK, so considering how I got really poor last year because I voted Tahan, Tim, Jade, Mikkayla and Katie & Lucy... I might just stick to voting for Priya alone this year.
I'm torn between "glad they're not harping on that shit too much" and "perhaps it should be clarified what's been going on there?" But they're both single, so what the hell does it matter, I guess.
I totally feel the same way. If they're getting it on or whatever then yeah I'd like to know simply because it helps with both my betting and trying to piece together what's happening in the house but meh, two consenting SINGLE adults... go for it as far as I'm concerned. I have bigger fish to fry lol