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Episode Day 18 (25/09/2014) Daily Show

Once I knew I was in the DR to take questions, I think I would be suspicious of BB awarding time to Lawson +1 in the sanctuary for no reason. I reckon most of the HMs would research global BBs once they were accepted into the house, and there was ALOT of this sort of stuff in the last BBUK, which only ended a month or so ago.
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lol they actually got Jade to take a pic

I'm seeing a pattern here.

I am LOVING the Thursday and Friday episodes. The ones where Channel Nine don't really give a shit about the ratings, so the producers are able to go back to the formula.

But the Sun-Tues episodes stink of Channel 9's dirty paws.

EXCEPT THIS DANCE MONTAGE RIGHT NOW WTF.'s a Silent Disco which means the HM's don't hear any music so I don't want them to edit in music for us to hear either. Stahp it.