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Episode Day 15 (22/09/2014) Monday Night Live #2

The voting lines freeze during tonight's show and then re-open. Also aren't the Pair with the most save votes, announced tonight to be safe from Tuesday's eviction?

Who freaking knows? They make it up as they go along - just because they said something doesn't mean they wont change it.

(When did they say it was announced tonight? I can't keep up with the changes)
The voting lines freeze during tonight's show and then re-open. Also aren't the Pair with the most save votes, announced tonight to be safe from Tuesday's eviction?

I'm wondering if there has been any rallying of votes by the couples that are nominated. I would love it if Travis didn't even bother to see how people would vote if he and Cat were the least saved, while cat is busy getting the votes to stay.......

I'm wondering if there has been any rallying of votes by the couples that are nominated. I would love it if Travis didn't even bother to see how people would vote if he and Cat were the least saved, while cat is busy getting the votes to stay.......

I wouldn't be unhappy if Travis stuck around so I could keep fantasising, but it would be great to shake up the group dynamic now. Cat & Travis as the bottom pair would simply just shock everyone in the house. It would put them in a difficult position and rethink if who they perceive is 'cool' is the same as what the audience think!
So according to my IQ BB SHOULD start at 8:40..........

Anyway tonight we should find out who won the stupid task, what David looks like without a beard (too bad most of us have already seen it) and who the new HOH is.................. Also it will be our first looks at the new couch..............
Ok , you got me with the couch.

Can't wait, so optimistic :facepalm:
I know I should look away, but I can't.
So it's 7 pm here in sa. What time does it start?
Do I have enough time to put the kids to bed and have a bath?
I need to shave my legs ... Spring has sprung and these bad boys are horrific.