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Benjamin HM 2012 - Officially joins Behind Big Brother.

But in saying what I said before, I truly don't have an issue with you personally, & congratulate you on your win of BB2012 :)
Sorry Tahan, it was me who said STFU post#371
Everybody else here seems to swear like wharfies, didn't think it would be a problem. Live and learn, now I know it's better to read than to post.:)
Sorry Tahan, it was me who said STFU post#371
Everybody else here seems to swear like wharfies, didn't think it would be a problem. Live and learn, now I know it's better to read than to post.:)
All good.

I'm a newbie but I think it's okay to tell the housemates to shut the fuck up. You can tell other posters too, I just don't type it :)

Oh, another tip, always add an emoticon, that way people don't know if you're being serious or not. For example,

Shut the fuck up :p
How does Zoe know that, of course zoe would say something like that, she hated estelle too. Why would estelle tell zoe that
Zoe's not intelligent enough to come up with something like that. It's more likely Ben put that thought in her head, or Ben has just made it up and is blaming Zoe. That's the kind of thing that psychopaths do.
Hi Ben welcome to the forums!
Frankly I wouldn't respond to all the carry on and I got sick of it a few pages in! There have been people I have had to deal with in real life who I barely remain civil to in a professional capacity never mind having them there 24/7 when they give me the shits and not being able to get away! I'd find it really hard As would most people and if they are really honest would admit as much. Plus the pressure cooker of BB designed to make you crack I know eventually is snap. I don't recall if I wanted to you to win I know I didn't want Layla to but like Trala it's 2 years ago! I'm happy for insight on how it was in the BB house did you get bored to death or was there stimulating. Convos?

@Timdormer is a million miles above Ben. Tim never picked on a particular housemate and helped to form a group to exclude someone just because they were a little weird and liked unicorns.

Tim is actually a nice person who genuinely cared for other housemates feelings. He was an individual, a leader for the misfits everywhere and a stirrer but not in a malicious way Ben was.

No surprise Tim wants nothing to do with him. I don't hence why I am peeved off he has joined BBB. I prefer to never think and hear of him again.

Ben's justification for treating Estelle the way he did is very poor. There is no excuse what so ever for the way he and his goons treated her. So what if Estelle contradicts herself (in his opinion). That is a weak excuse for all the shit he and his pals gave her.

@Trala yes everyone has a gossip and he was filmed 24/7. There is nothing wrong with housemates having a little chat about each other, it's human nature however most people don't make it their mission to bring people down and I quote Ben "I Will destroy Layla". He also purposely and seemed to enjoy excluding Estelle every chance he got. He also lied to people to manipulate issues in the house for his own benefit. For example he took great delight in the Sarah Vs. Ray "aggressive" dancing saga. From then he had an opportunity to turn the house against Ray. I assume Ben and Michael didn't like Ray because he was self confident and was too smart to fall for their manipulating crap.
@Connoisseur can probably help me out with listing more of Ben's behaviour in the house. :)

This is my opinion and you have yours but I know I AM right. Ethically I am right at least. Ben's behaviour was disgusting and that is why I AM outraged he is here. Just look at those videos @TALENTstanner posted. Do you really think that is acceptable behaviour and worthy of winning Big Brother? I don't think so. That season is absolutely horrible and filled with a pack of bullies who have high egos. Made a lot of my friends and family turn off the show forever. I nearly did too but gave BB 2013 a chance but boy was I worried that a BB 2012 cast would happen again. Hope those HM's are proud for turning that season the way it did. Not pleasant viewing at all and rewarding a bully was just great for Australia :rolleyes:.

There is nothing entertaining about Ben what so ever. People seem to think he can get away with this behaviour because he's gay and some gay people are known for being queens and bitchy.

Someone said Ben being here was a favour? Pfft... I don't think so. More like a pest and it's no surprise he is promoting something. I suspect he also has joined BBB to help his ego. He just loves mentioning he is "the most hated winner of BB apparently". It just reeks of desperation to become relevant again. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

And I wouldn't be surprised if he indeed was @BBB12winner. They have a similar username and their posts seem to be written by the same person.

I agree 100% @Lottie. This used to be a happy place.

@TALENTstanner has some really good points. He may be crazy at times but he is making a lot of sense here. I pity the people who don't stand up to a bully.

It's not just a TV show either. Big Brother is a social experiment. Real people go in and their behaviours are exposed. You can say the producers manipulate the footage but Ben did say and do all these things. Even if there was something we weren't shown like Estelle being annoying (being annoying is harmless) there still wouldn't be a justification.

This thread makes me feel like the only sane person here O_O:bang:
You did an excellent job Lucas, there's really nothing more that I can add as you pretty much covered all the bases. :)

Anyway I reaaaally don't want get into this 'topic' any more. It's old news now and everything that needed to be said, has been said more than enough times.

Reading Ben's post I get the sense that the penny will never drop and his 'critics' are basically banging our head against a brick wall. :bang: Ben and his 'fans' will never get it and come up with excuses for why he behaved badly on the show. *smh*

Although I will say that I find it amusing that some Ben fans argue that Ben's critics are or have been victims of 'bullying' hence why they 'harp'/can't get over this. If you had to be a victim of 'something' to stand up against an injustice then movements against slavery, racism, bigotry, homophobia etc... will never have got off the ground in the first place. lol

I was just being honest.

For those who have never had a private bitch session via PM, judge me harshly, I wouldn't expect anything less. But just like in real life when I get fucked off, I let off steam by whinging about it and I can say nasty things. Newsflash Nelly, some of you clowns fuck me off bigtime! Ha! Look, it is a definite flaw in my personality, it is a horrible personality trait, but it is one of mine. I would feel like a total hypocrite if I didn't admit it and own it. Particularly when Ben is being slain for some of the same attributes.

I am not for a minute suggesting those moments are my best moments and that I am not sometimes ashamed by what I have said or done, I am saying they are my moments, and I own them. Unless you are Jesus, your life doesn't just contain your best moments, it contains your worst as well, so don't be judging too harshly, particularly if you are guilty of the same crimes. Let those without a gossipy PM in there inbox throw the first stone! I am not an animal! I am a human being!!!!!

I think Ben's best moments outweigh his worst by 78:1. I think that reflects a good man rather than a bad one.

Whatever helps you get your jollies off, Trala. :p Personally I’ve already got enough on my plate as it is than to spend precious time thinking about annoying plebs that I cross paths on a daily basis let alone anon posters on a message board.

I visit BBB to read and exchange opinions with other BB fans for a humorous take about a silly reality show that I happen to enjoy and get a laugh or 2 out of watching; nothing more nothing less.

That said I think I know where you’re coming from. I’ll never hesitate to air out in the open any disagreement or criticism that I have about housemates or posters regardless of the ‘consequences’, don't know any other way.

Even though I’m fully aware that there will always be overzealous posters who are incapable of not taking a difference of opinion on housemate/s extremely personally and end up holding grudges like a toddler. It's sad that it can result in them following you around taking pot shots to get back at you. lol :biggrin:

Water off a duck’s back and all that, at the end of the day it’s them wasting negative energy on something so trivial and in the grand scheme of things, irrelevant.
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Oh and Ben I thought the proposal on live TV was just Awssome and a Great Leap Forward for LGTB persons. My oldest is transgender I'd love to see BB put a transgender HM other than a stunt in - when they sent the BB UK winner in
Did you know a transgender won BBUK season before last?
I am a massive fan of Big Brother and this is my main motivation to work with Scoopla. It has been a great opportunity to still work on a show that I love. Feel free to enjoy what I create with Scoopla. Feel apart of it. I will ask HM's & producers your questions and we will have fun with this whole thing. It's not self promotion - it's a job and I would have thought everyone here would be excited to get questions answered. In reason.
most people including me in the house didn't get along with Estelle. I have since tried to make peace with Estelle, it hasn't happened and I am still open to it happening and I hope one day Estelle and I will get to a good place together. I have no ill feeling of her. It frustrate me when she says that BB is rigged. That my proposal was staged by channel 9 but I get on with my day and focus on positive things and know the truth.
I am a massive fan of Big Brother and this is my main motivation to work with Scoopla. It has been a great opportunity to still work on a show that I love. Feel free to enjoy what I create with Scoopla. Feel apart of it. I will ask HM's & producers your questions and we will have fun with this whole thing. It's not self promotion - it's a job and I would have thought everyone here would be excited to get questions answered. In reason.
But will you ask why we don't have live feeds?

Edit: and PLEASE press reply so we know who you are replying to