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Episode Day 101 (6/11/13): Grand Final (155m) discussion

Go on BB from a modeling agency to getting a job in radio.. That's how BB works!!
People considering a BBB party for next year: hope to god someone organises a metal detector. From these posts gonna be a shittonne of guns left at the door lol.
They should've done the news thing with Tahan.

That's if they're even still doing it...
I've never wanted to throw blunt objects at someone so immensely. God. Tully is so hungry for that spotlight. No matter who has it.
Well I backed (possible understatement) til the very end.

As a fan, I'm so proud of hard Tahan fans have pushed every time!
yeah Tully..Hog Tahan's reunion moment :(

Of course it's ALL about TULLY...
