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Episode Day 101 (6/11/13): Grand Final (155m) discussion

Geez I've spent a small fortune on Tim votes lol
We only have another two hours to go til the announcement. Maybe I should duck out for a bottle of wine.
Yep. That's part of the reason I don't know if I want to watch it, too much cheesy boring shit to put up with before we find out who wins.
CaspersDad??!! Is that YOU??!! Hahahaha!!! He just said the same thing.
This finale so far is really awkward and uneventful. I still can't get over that opening "dance" thing... it was BAD, even for Big Brother's standards. :confused:
oh geezus Tahan... pay to have some new girlfriends if she wins the 250k

Tim talking about buying a tiger or elephant or becoming a Merman

Jade go to Vegas
They realise $250k isn't that much money right? I mean sure it's more then they have at the moment but it won't even get a decent property in Sydney
I've been lurking this season & have read your reactions after most shows. Some of the posts were spiteful, some made me wonder if we had just watched the same episode.

Shut up, I've been lurking all year too, mainly public toilets but I don't go on about it
Justynn is the winner as all week he has been in the party mix and is enjoying not being onstage or accountable in the final ..his starnow showreel is intact haha
i wonder how the hm will feel knowing abott is our prime minster? will they be pleased or angry like most of us?? they also dont know about the NSW fires