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Episode Day 92 (28/10/13) Daily Show (90 mins)

Tim can be mean, and he's shown to be mean and manipulative. He's also shown to be nice. Heck, they're all human, they don't have to conform to only showing one side.

But the matter is that he's chucked a tantrum tonight because he can't cop a bit of teasing, which he's been doing all season. Someone mentioned before that it is "Boog's fault" which is absolutely laughable.

So it's Boog's fault that Tim is having a sook because she's the first one who is able to dish out the jokes and teasing at the same level as Tim?
Your interpretation of events is pretty spot on, but it ignores the context of that comment, and I feel that makes all the difference in who you side with between that duo.

Tim has been copping flak for the last 3 months for manipulation, because his fellow housemates attribute things to him that he's never said or done or even intended. It was mostly by chance that the people he was targeting early on were the ones to leave, but I think that got into the minds of the other housemates and made them feel like Tim was somehow manipulating the public into voting out who he wanted them to. It's preposterous, but it's lead to them being very wary of Tim, and treating him as though he's some kind of manipulative evil genius.

Meanwhile, poor Tim is just trying to do his thing, have some fun, keep things interesting, and try to read the game to see what will happen next and how his nomination points can affect the outcome.

He's constantly had to defend himself against accusations of manipulation and ill-intent, and it's reasonable to be tired of that after 3 months in there. Then in waltzes Boog, and she's pulling the same shit on him, except a) she doesn't know him very well, and b) she's got the advantage of having watched the show from the outside, so the other housemates listen to her. Suddenly, she's supporting the accusations of manipulation, and Tim's just over it. He thought he'd find a friend in her, but instead, she's just feeding their theories, all because she's too stupid to understand what she was watching on TV.

Now Tim has to deal with more of the same shit, with everyone treating him like he's an evil mastermind, when all he's trying to do is play and have fun.

So when she dropped another attack on him, "hey I'm Tim and I'm a backstabber", it really pissed him off. And why wouldn't it? It's blatantly untrue, but is yet another supportive statement to the other housemates' theory that Tim is disingenuous. I'd fucking blow it, to be honest, but all he did was tell her that he didn't like that type of comment, and then she blew it up into a big thing about how he can dish it but can't take it. It's perfectly fair to tell someone they've crossed the line, and if she genuinely liked Tim, and respected him as her friend, she'd have dropped it and maybe even apologised.

I just relate to Tim very much in this situation, because to me, watching at home, it's very clear that he's been playing the game whilst also forming genuine friendships with his co-players. It's the ideal way to play the game, really. But how tired would you be constantly being second-guessed about everything you say to anyone?
I just relate to Tim very much in this situation, because to me, watching at home, it's very clear that he's been playing the game whilst also forming genuine friendships with his co-players. It's the ideal way to play the game, really. But how tired would you be constantly being second-guessed about everything you say to anyone?

Are you writing from the BB house Tim? If the HMs honestly don't second guess what Tim does in that house they're kidding themselves
It was a really weird show tonight. 1/10
beyond bizarre... especially if you're a LF watcher

I still don't know wtf to make of this.

Although I did update the betting odds thread and Ed improved 4 cents whereas Jade dropped a $1.50 at one book, Tim and Drew didn't change and the other book we use stayed the same. I actually feel a bit scatterbrained now.
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So it's Boog's fault that Tim is having a sook because she's the first one who is able to dish out the jokes and teasing at the same level as Tim?

Boogan has hit Tim on the arse & left a handprint, if Tim had done that BB & the other HM's would have said something.

Boogan pissed on the peas, what a charmer.

And when she was Little Brother & wanted Tim to massage her feet & he said no, she opened her legs & poor Tim saw the black hole of Calcutta.
After tonight, I am nearly convinced Jade is playing Ed, when they were kissing Jade was almost cross-eyed looking into the camera.
Your interpretation of events is pretty spot on, but it ignores the context of that comment, and I feel that makes all the difference in who you side with between that duo.

Tim has been copping flak for the last 3 months for manipulation, because his fellow housemates attribute things to him that he's never said or done or even intended. It was mostly by chance that the people he was targeting early on were the ones to leave, but I think that got into the minds of the other housemates and made them feel like Tim was somehow manipulating the public into voting out who he wanted them to. It's preposterous, but it's lead to them being very wary of Tim, and treating him as though he's some kind of manipulative evil genius.

Meanwhile, poor Tim is just trying to do his thing, have some fun, keep things interesting, and try to read the game to see what will happen next and how his nomination points can affect the outcome.

He's constantly had to defend himself against accusations of manipulation and ill-intent, and it's reasonable to be tired of that after 3 months in there. Then in waltzes Boog, and she's pulling the same shit on him, except a) she doesn't know him very well, and b) she's got the advantage of having watched the show from the outside, so the other housemates listen to her. Suddenly, she's supporting the accusations of manipulation, and Tim's just over it. He thought he'd find a friend in her, but instead, she's just feeding their theories, all because she's too stupid to understand what she was watching on TV.

Now Tim has to deal with more of the same shit, with everyone treating him like he's an evil mastermind, when all he's trying to do is play and have fun.

So when she dropped another attack on him, "hey I'm Tim and I'm a backstabber", it really pissed him off. And why wouldn't it? It's blatantly untrue, but is yet another supportive statement to the other housemates' theory that Tim is disingenuous. I'd fucking blow it, to be honest, but all he did was tell her that he didn't like that type of comment, and then she blew it up into a big thing about how he can dish it but can't take it. It's perfectly fair to tell someone they've crossed the line, and if she genuinely liked Tim, and respected him as her friend, she'd have dropped it and maybe even apologised.

I just relate to Tim very much in this situation, because to me, watching at home, it's very clear that he's been playing the game whilst also forming genuine friendships with his co-players. It's the ideal way to play the game, really. But how tired would you be constantly being second-guessed about everything you say to anyone?
This is a really thoughtful comment, but I think it's also disingenuous to think that Tim, who by your own admission, has been playing the game for three months, isn't a 'backstabber'. He has acknowledged that playing the game will mean taking his friends down and he's been working to do just that.
Your interpretation of events is pretty spot on, but it ignores the context of that comment, and I feel that makes all the difference in who you side with between that duo.

Tim has been copping flak for the last 3 months for manipulation, because his fellow housemates attribute things to him that he's never said or done or even intended. It was mostly by chance that the people he was targeting early on were the ones to leave, but I think that got into the minds of the other housemates and made them feel like Tim was somehow manipulating the public into voting out who he wanted them to. It's preposterous, but it's lead to them being very wary of Tim, and treating him as though he's some kind of manipulative evil genius.

Meanwhile, poor Tim is just trying to do his thing, have some fun, keep things interesting, and try to read the game to see what will happen next and how his nomination points can affect the outcome.

He's constantly had to defend himself against accusations of manipulation and ill-intent, and it's reasonable to be tired of that after 3 months in there. Then in waltzes Boog, and she's pulling the same shit on him, except a) she doesn't know him very well, and b) she's got the advantage of having watched the show from the outside, so the other housemates listen to her. Suddenly, she's supporting the accusations of manipulation, and Tim's just over it. He thought he'd find a friend in her, but instead, she's just feeding their theories, all because she's too stupid to understand what she was watching on TV.

Now Tim has to deal with more of the same shit, with everyone treating him like he's an evil mastermind, when all he's trying to do is play and have fun.

So when she dropped another attack on him, "hey I'm Tim and I'm a backstabber", it really pissed him off. And why wouldn't it? It's blatantly untrue, but is yet another supportive statement to the other housemates' theory that Tim is disingenuous. I'd fucking blow it, to be honest, but all he did was tell her that he didn't like that type of comment, and then she blew it up into a big thing about how he can dish it but can't take it. It's perfectly fair to tell someone they've crossed the line, and if she genuinely liked Tim, and respected him as her friend, she'd have dropped it and maybe even apologised.

I just relate to Tim very much in this situation, because to me, watching at home, it's very clear that he's been playing the game whilst also forming genuine friendships with his co-players. It's the ideal way to play the game, really. But how tired would you be constantly being second-guessed about everything you say to anyone?
I think you are exaggerating how much Tim actually cops it in the house. From the housemates reactions, it doesn't seem to be anymore than what the other housemates cop in the house.

I know I've only signed up today, but I agreed with Tim's comment last week when he said "there is only so much you can take", but his accusation of Boog that she "takes things too far" was his way of trying to play victim, when in fact, he's just being overly sensitive.

I'll quote Tim from a very recent episode last week regarding Ed; "He's made his bed".

Tim has been playing it off as being the most manipulative, the most strategic, saying things like "I don't like people if I can't find ways to use them", so how can anybody trust him?

It's like the story, the boy who cried wolf, in the end no one is going to trust him and why should they? You can't cry foul when someone accuses a manipulator of manipulating!

There's no wonder that Tim has only blown up when Boog has come into the house. Because everyone else has been too scared to go toe to toe with Tim, whereas Boog can handle herself in an argument. Tim is frustrated because he's lost the attention, become the butt of all jokes and isn't able to victimise himself.

I'm not denying the fact that Tim is a nice person, but he reeks of someone who has had his way for too long, and now that it looks like someone is there to take his throne, he's spitting the dummy.
Boogan has hit Tim on the arse & left a handprint, if Tim had done that BB & the other HM's would have said something.

Boogan pissed on the peas, what a charmer.

And when she was Little Brother & wanted Tim to massage her feet & he said no, she opened her legs & poor Tim saw the black hole of Calcutta.
. LMAO love it
You know, it's one thing to leave out things, I get that, they have to squeeze in 3 days worth of stuff, but changing chronological order of things and showing half a conversation so you never get to see things in context is ruining it.
Boogan has hit Tim on the arse & left a handprint, if Tim had done that BB & the other HM's would have said something.

Boogan pissed on the peas, what a charmer.

And when she was Little Brother & wanted Tim to massage her feet & he said no, she opened her legs & poor Tim saw the black hole of Calcutta.
What is your point?

Are any of those actions intended to be "malicious"?

It's all just a bit of fun from her point of view, whether or not you agree with her humour.
Your interpretation of events is pretty spot on, but it ignores the context of that comment, and I feel that makes all the difference in who you side with between that duo.

Tim has been copping flak for the last 3 months for manipulation, because his fellow housemates attribute things to him that he's never said or done or even intended. It was mostly by chance that the people he was targeting early on were the ones to leave, but I think that got into the minds of the other housemates and made them feel like Tim was somehow manipulating the public into voting out who he wanted them to. It's preposterous, but it's lead to them being very wary of Tim, and treating him as though he's some kind of manipulative evil genius.

Meanwhile, poor Tim is just trying to do his thing, have some fun, keep things interesting, and try to read the game to see what will happen next and how his nomination points can affect the outcome.

He's constantly had to defend himself against accusations of manipulation and ill-intent, and it's reasonable to be tired of that after 3 months in there. Then in waltzes Boog, and she's pulling the same shit on him, except a) she doesn't know him very well, and b) she's got the advantage of having watched the show from the outside, so the other housemates listen to her. Suddenly, she's supporting the accusations of manipulation, and Tim's just over it. He thought he'd find a friend in her, but instead, she's just feeding their theories, all because she's too stupid to understand what she was watching on TV.

Now Tim has to deal with more of the same shit, with everyone treating him like he's an evil mastermind, when all he's trying to do is play and have fun.

So when she dropped another attack on him, "hey I'm Tim and I'm a backstabber", it really pissed him off. And why wouldn't it? It's blatantly untrue, but is yet another supportive statement to the other housemates' theory that Tim is disingenuous. I'd fucking blow it, to be honest, but all he did was tell her that he didn't like that type of comment, and then she blew it up into a big thing about how he can dish it but can't take it. It's perfectly fair to tell someone they've crossed the line, and if she genuinely liked Tim, and respected him as her friend, she'd have dropped it and maybe even apologised.

I just relate to Tim very much in this situation, because to me, watching at home, it's very clear that he's been playing the game whilst also forming genuine friendships with his co-players. It's the ideal way to play the game, really. But how tired would you be constantly being second-guessed about everything you say to anyone?

Perfect post!

They turned him into manipulator in their heads. From day 1 he encouraged people to treat it as a game and enjoy the experience. He tries to have fun and they get all serious and overanalyse stuff and try to read too much into it.
What is your point?

Are any of those actions intended to be "malicious"?

It's all just a bit of fun from her point of view, whether or not you agree with her humour.
since when is pissing on peas fun ? It's disgusting. Shows her true grotty self.
Perfect post!

They turned him into manipulator in their heads. From day 1 he encouraged people to treat it as a game and enjoy the experience. He tries to have fun and they get all serious and overanalyse stuff and try to read too much into it.
So why is Tim upset when Boog is just having fun ribbing him a bit?

In today's episode, it was Tim who was taking it seriously so I don't really understand your post when he "tries to have fun".

And that is just ridiculous anyway, because a lot of actions he's done in the house isn't purely "to have fun" but to get under people's skin and frustrate them.
I think you are exaggerating how much Tim actually cops it in the house. From the housemates reactions, it doesn't seem to be anymore than what the other housemates cop in the house.

I know I've only signed up today, but I agreed with Tim's comment last week when he said "there is only so much you can take", but his accusation of Boog that she "takes things too far" was his way of trying to play victim, when in fact, he's just being overly sensitive.

I'll quote Tim from a very recent episode last week regarding Ed; "He's made his bed".

Tim has been playing it off as being the most manipulative, the most strategic, saying things like "I don't like people if I can't find ways to use them", so how can anybody trust him?

It's like the story, the boy who cried wolf, in the end no one is going to trust him and why should they? You can't cry foul when someone accuses a manipulator of manipulating!

There's no wonder that Tim has only blown up when Boog has come into the house. Because everyone else has been too scared to go toe to toe with Tim, whereas Boog can handle herself in an argument. Tim is frustrated because he's lost the attention, become the butt of all jokes and isn't able to victimise himself.

I'm not denying the fact that Tim is a nice person, but he reeks of someone who has had his way for too long, and now that it looks like someone is there to take his throne, he's spitting the dummy.

I completely agree with you, however as you are new please let me welcome you to the Spiritus de Santo Timothy forums. He can do no wrong in the eyes of his beloved and we are all beneath him and his brethren. I believe he is buying a large block of land in the Northern Hills of Melbourne.

I agree, Tim is a nice guy but he has backed himself into a corner and doesn't know how to get out, hell he was even trying to reach out for Ed tonight for help.
What is your point?

Are any of those actions intended to be "malicious"?

It's all just a bit of fun from her point of view, whether or not you agree with her humour.

tahan ass. Assuming you are a tahan fan I'm going to make this clear for you, in the world we live in, if a guy was to ever go and smack a girl on her naked bottom against her own will (ha..unless if you like kinky shit like 50 shades) they would probably be put into jail or labelled as a girl basher.

NOW, since double standards are meant to NOT EXIST, your comment is complete crap, as what she did was malicious and would've gotten her kicked out if she was a guy.

The end.

All clear now?
This is a really thoughtful comment, but I think it's also disingenuous to think that Tim, who by your own admission, has been playing the game for three months, isn't a 'backstabber'. He has acknowledged that playing the game will mean taking his friends down and he's been working to do just that.
Fair enough, and I guess you could see that as "backstabbing". I don't, though, because it's part of the game -- everyone in there has 5 points to use every week, noone is exempt from having to use their points against fellow housemates. I didn't think it was "backstabbing" when Jade nominated Ben, for example. It reveals what they really think of one another, but it's not really something to take personally.
since when is pissing on peas fun ? It's disgusting. Shows her true grotty self.
Since when did pissing on peas turn into such a serious matter?

Even if it's not your type of humour, surely you can see it was done purely out of fun and jokes and not intended to actually hurt Tim.

Or do you really think she did that to hurt Tim?