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Episode Day 60 (Thurs 26 Sep 2013) Daily Show & Showdown

This got ugly quick. This isn't stirring the pot, this is BLOWING it to fucking pieces.
actually wonder if Drew could go this week. He's not really playing much of a part. It will be between Mikkayla, Sisters and Drew. I think Ed is safe. Jade and Tim def safe.

I think a lot of people love drew's looks

definitely between mik and the sugar sisters

I get people find Drew attractive, but I am becoming more and more annoyed with the fact he has not shared anything about himself in the house. The only time we were showed anything about pre Big Brother Drew during the speed dating when he was talking about his ex, and Tully stormed off. We all know about the rest of the housemates history - but for all we know, Drew could have been in prison for the last 10 years, because he says so little
Fucking hell this got uncomfortable, Justynn is two facial twitches away from hacking the SS to bits, get him the fuck outta there.
I love justynn he is amazing! And FFS Lucy it's a teaching degree not a fucking law or medicine degree lol