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Episode Day 52 (Wed 18/09/13): Daily Show & Confidential

Why did Ben need to know how many nominees there were? He was going to find out anyway.

I am so sick of Big Brother telling the HM's everything this year.
I really don't think I've ever seen two closer sisters. I don't have one myself but they're almost like the same person!
Why did Ben need to know how many nominees there were? He was going to find out anyway.

I am so sick of Big Brother telling the HM's everything this year.

He saw there where only four people in the red zone on the TV anyway. Why does he not know what that means?
I really don't think I've ever seen two closer sisters. I don't have one myself but they're almost like the same person!

Mikkayla gets a strike for telling the sisters' she didn't nominate them.
What happened to this forum, some weird stuff was going on last night and didn't seem safe to visit it
Like seriously what is the point of letting Ben choose who washes cars first? I'd be feeling jipped if I were him. Superpowers my arse.
mikk smiled after getting a strike, like she knows it means nothing
Calebs (earlier) punishment was so much worse
Geez a strike?! BB's finally cracked down on nom talk?
Well, while I agree, to be fair I think this time was different because Mikkayla specifically told the sisters that she didn't nominate them. I think that's where BB draws the line now - as soon as someone literally reveals how they voted or tell others who to vote for, the strike comes back.
Pathetic BB...a strike to Mikkayla ????? That the FUCK....there have been heaps more infirngements than that in the House????

Bad BB, Naughty BB, Silly BB :(

NB (Made it) *Phew*