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Episode Day 43 (Mon 9/09/13): Eviction #5

NOOOO WHO THE FUCK IS SAVING TULLY. The drama isn't even fucking entertaining anymore I have so much hatred for that awful girl. And I loved Heidi she was probably my favourite!
The sea levels aren't rising because of global warming.. It's just Tully being a sooky bitch..
Oh shut up Tully!

She really needs to go. If she gets this upset by people going she is far too emotional to be in there. GET HER OUT.
tully wasn't even fucking close with heidi SHUT THE FUCK UP she's just crying because she's sad she was close to going.
Sulky ..... boo hoo if I cry the most will you give me the super power boo hoo
goddamnit who is voting for this bitch? I feel sick and i am losing my interest to watch if this nutcase stays any longer.