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Episode Day 39 (Thurs 5/09/13): Daily Show (90m)

If Housemates are smart and want to play the game, they should start ignoring Ben. Stop feeding his screen time!
Finally Jade is working it out.

Ed only wants you when he is drunk.

Cmon Jade you are better than this, move on.
Sad part is, I have a feeling they're gonna sleep together on the outside and then move on.
So somebody like Ben gets to have Ed and Drew in undies, jumping on his bed? WHAT?!
New theory on Tully. Some of the audience hate her as she is friends with Drew who they love lol.
Hoping that they keep the guys and girls separate from now on - the guys are having so much fun
If Housemates are smart and want to play the game, they should start ignoring Ben. Stop feeding his screen time!
Considering hardly any of them voted for him in this week's strategic noms goes to show not many of them consider him much of a threat tbh.
They really should keep the boys together all the time. I seriously couldn't type I was laughing so hard at that last clip.