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Episode Day 37 (Tues 3/09/13): Late Night Feast #2

Ed's dance was creepy, for such a gentleman he was acting pretty COCKY..talking of cocks, was he trying to highlight the length of his when grabbing his pants..weirdest dance move
Well it was a bit crap this week - essentially the same stuff as last week but apart from the Hot Seat stuff (with questions from HMs being far more interesting than questions from BB) it just wasn't as good.
Ed's dance was creepy, for such a gentleman he was acting pretty COCKY..talking of cocks, was he trying to highlight the length of his when grabbing his pants..weirdest dance move

I'm fast beginning to think Mr. Perfect bats for the other team !
I didn't find it as cringe worthy as last week, but showing the housemates passed out (ie Tim unconscious on the bathroom floor) wasn't good. They'll start being accused of promoting binge drinking (and I tend to agree). They need a naughty show which still lays low and doesn't get bad publicity as we know there are people out there who will try and take the show down for the slightest of reasons.

I really want someone to edit the footage of Ed dancing to "He's The Greatest Dancer" by Sister Sledge. I can't believe a housemate said "Ed is an amazing dancer". My family said that about my brother once and when I saw him dance at a wedding he looked kinda like Ed. My brother played football too. Maybe it's a footballer thing.

I don't understand why the uplate show can't just be the racy convos from the previous week? Getting them drunk for a show - just illustrates how boring (bar Tim and Tully - though she's annoying) the housemates really are. And as I said, getting them THAT drunk (Tully and Drew showed obvious signs of mass intoxication) isn't going to go down well with opponents of the show looking for a reason to give it bad publicity.
Ed's dance was creepy, for such a gentleman he was acting pretty COCKY..talking of cocks, was he trying to highlight the length of his when grabbing his pants..weirdest dance move

I'm fast beginning to think Mr. Perfect bats for the other team !

Haha! Yeah, his sexy, pants grabbing dance was aimed in Matt's direction!
Great front page article [MENTION=677]marquisite[/MENTION] - I didn't even notice that LNF had no Mike Goldman narration. However I think you need to update the article. The show is quite clearly narrated by Ben. It's like LNF through the eyes of Australia's favourite HM: Ben! (Vomit!)
Last week was perhaps more blatant with this.
But is [MENTION=29803]mutleyp[/MENTION] a better twerker than Toddlers & Tiaras.

Good Lord! Look at her go!!!
Man Heidi is really giving her brain a scratch. She gets up there with two fingers at one point, at about 32.40 on youtube.