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Episode Day 36 (2nd Sep 13) EVICTION SHOW #4

Actually, Drew has seen now that Tully is being saved. He must know that the romance then will be getting airtime outside.

Tim tends to nominate people who he would have wanted to work with, but who choose to work with the boofheads. Heidi is such a horrible bitch, every thing she says is toxic, and I think Tim will nominate her for a few points.
Drew has become a massive softcock. Telling Heidi about Mikkayla was just sad. What was he thinking? And his relationship with Tully continues to get worse. It's uncomfortable to watch.

Caleb being evicted, no surprises there.

Tully having a decent amount of votes, also not surprising. I think some people want or are trying to turn her into the next Estelle, except Estelle wasn't a vile, cheating, selfish, egocentric scumbag.

Anyone else think there are too many shitty video packages of stuff we've already seen or stuff that doesn't add anything? They're already short on time and covering multiple days, it's stupid.

And on that last thought, the Daily Show was incredibly weak tonight. Considering all the stuff that happened over the weekend, they barely showed anything. Multiple parts like Surly talking to Jade added nothing and were just a waste of time. Speaking of which, get rid of Surly. That gimmick died a long time ago.

Completely agree with everything you said.
Wow, that was an intense eviction show. So intense that I felt the need to sign up and discuss it with all of you amazing people :)

I wasn't shocked that Caleb was evicted, but I was shocked that Tully wasn't if that makes any sense. What shocked me more was that she was the third most saved. Hopefully that doesn't continue. She's the absolute worst and Drew also just kissed himself out of 250k because IMO it was between him and Tim before he got involved with Tully.

I've decided that the only people I still like are Tim, Jade and Mikkayla...which is shocking because at the start I thought they would be 3 I would hate.
Nice post Gemini. welcome.
Tim tends to nominate people who he would have wanted to work with, but who choose to work with the boofheads. Heidi is such a horrible bitch, every thing she says is toxic, and I think Tim will nominate her for a few points.

I'm not sure Tim does want to work with people.

Oh, and to others, Gretel was a way better presenter than Sonia.
Yeah no worries. I know that the majority here think Tim is good for the show, and that is true. To me he is just a cast member who I dislike.

His voice grates on me, his attitude shits me and I just don't like his whole act. Just one of those things I guess, if we all liked the same people the world would be very boring.

One of the thing I don't like Tim does, is this cutesy little girl act. It makes me cringe each time he does that.
It was fascinating to hear him say, in the diary room, that he thought he may have made a mistake. It kind of showed that he is perhaps NOT as big a strategist that people seem to think he is.

I see it differently, I don't think Tim was worried that he made a mistake of putting himself up.

He heard the cheers for him last week & knew he is liked, but he didn't want to be seen as being cocky about it, so said to the viewers & HM's, that he thought he made a mistake.

The HM's will now think, there is a vulnerability in his armour & will think they have the upper hand when in fact they don't & he is still 'running' the game.
She's not crying about Caleb leaving. She's crying about how close she came to getting evicted herself. With Tully, it's always about Tully.

THIS! clinging on to Caleb and not letting him say goodbye to anyone properly unless she was in the hug too ! Tully should have been pushed out the door by the other housemates
bimbo twins will get tiresome now too with Caleb gone. hurry up and throw in intruders for Matt & Ed to play with before being evicted.
Love the fact that Tim has the highest save vote. At least one of my votes was worthwhile. I predict the final three will be Mikkayla, Tim and Ben.

These are my predictions too ;) ~ Don't mind which of them win
They will target Tim & it will be a waste of nomination points.

They would have heard the huge cheers for him during the live cross.

When they do the cross to the nominated doing their 30 sec speil in the DR, Tully got NO cheers and no Boo's either. Cannot remember if Tahan got any cheers from the audience either.
I'll skip the last 56 pages but I'm sure I'm echoing some thoughts already posted:

- Firstly not too surprised Caleb went - called it all week. Not too surprised they made Tim sweat too, but I think they should have saved him 4th and left it to Tully and Caleb.

- Jade is doing well - 19% this week, 22% a couple of weeks ago. No doubt helped tonight though by the constructed scenes with Surly airing before the lines closed.

- Mike Goldman - why?

- And really annoyed me tonight how is was basically the Tim show. Yes, he was worthy of the intro but all the way through it was basically will Tim go or someone else - far too biased IMO.