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Episode Day 36 (2nd Sep 13) EVICTION SHOW #4

As a complete sidenote, am I the only person who forgot Surly was in the house? They barely show him except for the odd appearance...

and it was a complete waste of time. She didn't really get given a task or anything to do. He gave her advice that everyone else should have been giving her anyway. Weird!
I remember the disappointment I felt when the bland Logan beat Tim back on channel Ten. Tim was another interesting Newtown boy.

BB05 Tim's persona was actually engineered. He's a journalist who has wrote about how he manufactured an (almost) winning Big Brother persona. The persona in question was co-created by him and Chaser member Chas Licciardello before going into the house.

You can view his "My big brother journey" write-up here.
HAs Drew lost it due to paranoia or something, or is he just egging Heidi on, so she will get more votes?

He is infatuated and losing it, perhaps. Tim and Mikkayla need to rein him in. Unless it is part of a scheme. He does seem to be dobbing more lately

Olopo, thanks for the link.
BB05 Tim's persona was actually engineered. He's a journalist who has wrote about how he manufactured an (almost) winning Big Brother persona. The persona in question was co-created by him and Chaser member Chas Licciardello before going into the house.

You can view his "My big brother journey" write-up here.

I really can't believe that he was a character for several months 24/7 against people he had no previous knowledge of.
Sorry!! I meant to capture the quote about 'well done Australia'
I agree - who's destroying her life? We did nothing!
Thats ok lucky I seen this post. lol welcome to the madhouse Im a bit of a newbie 2:confused:
well done with report from the front lines.. really enjoying your descriptions of being inside the evictions:)
was Caylibs crying well received in there or awkward as fuck as it was in my loungeroom..
If you check out her Tahlia's twitter feed and photo's she quite clearly reads all of these forums.
I know their relationship is over now, but it must be horrible being a partner of a HM and having to read all of the non-stop hate.
Drew and Tully under the covers tonight ..
The producers so obviously favour Jade (dull, stupid) over Tahan it pisses me off, and of course most of the audience will just follow what they are told. Tahan stands up for herself which is a damn good thing, and isn't just a wallflower like the sisters and Jade.
I just watched the eviction show and HOLY CRAP. Tully needs to SHUT UP HER CRYING. That was just horrible. I almost turned the show off on that but I want to see the percentage graph.
- Drew: his relationship with Tully has completely sunk his chances, but the edits are also revealing him to be really two-faced. so much for the neutral Ph 7.0 drew we thought we had. he's become blinded by his tully obsession. if he has a hope, it might be that he and tully are a true forever-romance, made for each other, ride off into the sunset and hope that somehow that overcomes how unpalatable you both are as people.

Agree. I am slowly changing my opinion of Drew after initially thinking he might be a potential winner. I too am seeing him now as a bit two-faced ... and, yes, his relationship with Tully has almost certainly sunk his chances.

- Tully: i know why you were saved, but you really have no clue - it's because you're a hot mess. if you make it past more evictions it will be purely because voters want to see how far you can wreck your life.

ROFL. And most likely true.

- Jade: really great to see so much advancement in her edit. she comes across as genuine with no real guile - I'm not even sure she knows how to "play the game". her relationship history and explaining her feelings for and actions with regard to drew went a long way towards helping people understand her. and that's translating into votes. she could go a long way.

Could not agree more. Good assessment. Her explanation of her relationship history and the hardships she's had in her life certainly changed my opinion of her and helped me to understand why she is how she is, and why she does what she does. And, tonight, by staying clear of Ed (based on Surly's advice or not), she appears to be showing that she can listen, learn, and take things onboard ... albeit slowly. She may not win, but it has been interesting to watch her (character) development.

- Tim: he has a more intuitive understanding of the voters than anyone else in the house, but don't rush to give him too much credit. He wasn't targeting caleb all along, he wasn't trying to save tully all along - he's as much surprised at the result as anyone. But on the other hand, surviving may just give him the moxy to keep up with his agenda (which is to sow chaos) rather than ease off because he was in the final 2. That said, he does have to be careful about letting his emotional reactions to the HMs retaliation get the better of him. He needs to take the high ground. Interesting that they finally found something he cares about: that damn jacket. lol

It was fascinating to hear him say, in the diary room, that he thought he may have made a mistake. It kind of showed that he is perhaps NOT as big a strategist that people seem to think he is. That said, it is finally great to actually see someone (supposedly) "play the game" (and play it well). That phrase has been so misused over the years with many BB HMs and Internet folks saying it and quoting it, but really having absolutely no idea what it even means.

oh thanks....couldnt help but laugh when i read thismin her very first

To clear just a few things that a briefly scanned over, Nope she never dated Ruby Rose, Just good friends. Yes, she is definitely gay. She is a very affectionate person, to be honest I can't believe she hasn't been MORE cuddly with some people in the house yet and yes, she is a long-term hardcore BB fan, she owns all the season's on DVD, had been watching the UK BB before she went into the house and also used to sneak out to her loungeroom as a teen and watch up late,right in front of the TV with the volume on 1 so her Dad didn't catch her.
This is my first post on here! I'm from London so have been watching BBAU as an international viewer.
I don't really like the fact that there is no 24/7live feed as the daily shows are highly edited and biased in favour of some HM's and not others.
This is now the Tim show and the episodes always now revolve around him and exclude some of the others. As viewers perceptions on HM's are based solely on an hour daily show and the fact that these shows are manipulated to favour Tim and exclude others the show already has Tim as their preferred winner.
It was this bias and unfairness that helped contribute to Jasmin's eviction as she was hardly shown.
Caleb leaving tonight was a bit of a shock however I predicted that Tully would stay.
I believe Caleb's eviction will shake up the house as they were not expecting it.
They need to bring on some new HM's as the current lot are beginning to get stale.
I'm hoping it's a person from each sex and hopefully one or both being an ethnic minority as the house needs more diversity.
My fav HM's are Ed, Tully, Drew, Matt, Tahan.
'expanation of her relationship history' where she gets airtime from the producers. I'm sure you could get a sob story from others if the producers wanted to focus on someone else. It's obvious they favour Jade as she is open for showmances and Tahan has a boyfriend outside. She's the Layla of this year, completely empty but the teens will vote because of the fake 'romances'.
how so? if you dont mind me asking?

Yeah no worries. I know that the majority here think Tim is good for the show, and that is true. To me he is just a cast member who I dislike.

His voice grates on me, his attitude shits me and I just don't like his whole act. Just one of those things I guess, if we all liked the same people the world would be very boring.