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Episode Day 36 (2nd Sep 13) EVICTION SHOW #4

I totally agree and understand with what ur saying, however, Tullys girlfriend on twitter seemed to be extremely upset as to what Tully did. Im just going on behalf of that, but I don't just dislike her based on the whole 'drully' incident i just think she's an emotionally draining person in general.
In fairness to Tully, how do we know what their r/ship was like on the outside? I don't think that Tully had a very strong relationship with her girlfriend if I'm honest with you. They might have had an open relationship? It's wrong what she's doing but we don't know the circumstances.

I totally agree and understand with what ur saying, however, Tullys girlfriend on twitter seemed to be extremely upset as to what Tully did. Im just going on behalf of that, but I don't just dislike her based on the whole 'drully' incident i just think she's an emotionally draining person in general
Why does everyone want Ed to leave? And if u say hes boring, honestly hes as entertaining as Ben is...

He is dull, brings nothing to the house, a waste of space etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Australia please. I will never understand this country. Please i really need someone to explain to me how people vote for people like Jade and Tully. Do people like desperate women? Do people like girls like Tully who cheat on National TV and call themself a 'lesbian'. The first few weeks i understood why people voted for Tully, she was interesting etc but now u should see the social media. No one likes her and for Jade to get 22%? Please i need some help explaining this. Please Reply ASAP!

Ok, I voted for Tully for the drama and any lolz. It doesn't faze me about what sort of relationship she may or may not have outside the house. I'm not watching that, I'm watching the house and even though not the same I don't think people cared much for Martys girlfriend (Marty and jess became a couple in series 2). I'm certainly not looking at drew and Tully as the same thing either. Close maybe, but I would not call them a couple as Marty and jess were.

As for Jade I voted for her as she's a sweet girl and has this vulnerable side to her. I want to see more of her journey. Really don't want her to go yet, and even though I voted Tully for the drama and lolz I hope she leaves before Jade.
Think BB is trying to save the girls? Poor Tahan has been up for weeks, her voters have fatigue. And Jade.

Strategy should put the bitch sisters up, great, Heidi, great, Matt/Ed
I noticed that as well, she was 'crying' like someone had died & there weren't any tears.

I have to say, I feel very sorry for Tully's ex girlfriend Tahlia, for having to see Tully acting that way with Drew.

It would be pretty humiliating for her to see that on national TV.

This site is slow tonight.
It's a shocker! Poor server must be groaning under the stress.

And I hate to break it to Caleb, but I don't think Matt was actually shedding any tears either. Or if he was it was because the succubus had draped herself across him. That'd be enough to make a grown man cry.
In fairness to Tully, how do we know what their r/ship was like on the outside? I don't think that Tully had a very strong relationship with her girlfriend if I'm honest with you. They might have had an open relationship? It's wrong what she's doing but we don't know the circumstances.

Every relationship is different, and no outsider knows the truth of it. I could never judge what someone in a relationship does. (Unless they murder their children/aunt/neighbour or serve coriander on a french dish.) I might love to rush in to judge (and I do, sometimes; usually after wine) but in all honesty, who knows what anothers motivations or reasons are for acting a certain way.
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Australia please. I will never understand this country. Please i really need someone to explain to me how people vote for people like Jade and Tully. Do people like desperate women? Do people like girls like Tully who cheat on National TV and call themself a 'lesbian'. The first few weeks i understood why people voted for Tully, she was interesting etc but now u should see the social media. No one likes her and for Jade to get 22%? Please i need some help explaining this. Please Reply ASAP!

I'm guessing some people would be keeping Tully in the house because she creates drama. I was torn between wanting her evicted and wanting her to stay for her dramatics.
me too!:D It's so much better with the thread as well, it's more entertaining than the actual show sometimes ._.''
yeh this is the first forum I have ever been apart of.. I love the dual doses of big brother, the perspective of the housemates as well as the diverse opinions from the outside.
I only caught the show minus the forum tonight as I was on the edge of my seat for an hour and 45... WOW
What a show,, Thank god it was one of the meatheads to go,which I believe was Tims plan. He will try keep Tully in as long as possible and nominate the dullards. Matt, Heidi,Ed to go next. they are showing bad sportsmanship in this game. To me their bitching oozes
I'm guessing some people would be keeping Tully in the house because she creates drama. I was torn between wanting her evicted and wanting her to stay for her dramatics.

LOL! Same - the fact that she's involved with Drew makes me want her to stay more :D
I am glad that Tully was saved. She is crazy interestingl and very emotional....I like that.

Jade and Tahan...Hurrah that they were saved also...both are very entertaining in their own way.

NB am confessing that I find Mathew VERY physically attractive..(but not Ed..for some reason..his body is fine but the Head...not so much)
not so random thoughts in a slightly different format

- Sonia: dressed almost seriously tonight, wondering if that was part of the somber Tahlia-dumping-Tully mood. She's still an awful host. She read the figures like she didn't know they were percentages (what r these, numbers? teehee *twirl hair*), and her attempts at serious questions with Caleb were duds - she didn't followup and half the time she spoon fed him options to answer. Ugh, please, give me anyone with half a brain, if we have to have a host

- The eviction: really, you left tim to the end, even though we all knew he was safe. Rather than complain, though, I'm going to hope this is a new leaf BB is turning over where he priortises fucking with the HMs over creating some momentary drama on a show that consistently runs 20 mins over.

- Next nominations for strategy: lame. it sucked last year, it will suck this year. most of them don't know what strategy is, so it does nothing to change the game - they just do what they always do. the only guarantee is that tim will be up again.

- Caleb: couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. No secret I wanted Tully gone, but breaking up the meatheads is a good booby prize, and Mr. Vanilla was right there too. My favourite thing about it is that it shakes up the HMs, who largely have no idea how Australia views them. That said, if Ed had gone home, I think Caleb's dumping of Lucy for teamTahan would have sealed his fate. He never had a hope of winning this show.

- Matt: although he seemed to put the hard question to Tully and Drew about Tully's outside relationship, he's getting an invisible edit. That's probably in his favour given his last significant coverage showed him to be so disrespectful of women. I'll be curious if he can reinvent himself in the house or if he'll go the same way as so many recent meathead trios and just fade away in the middle game.

- Ed: he's still doing nothing to save himself. I doubt he even understands he's on a game show. But whatever, the less we see of him, the sooner he'll go. in fact, the most interesting role he could possibly play at this point is leaving so we can see jade's story evolve

- Heidi: Could you possibly be an uglier person? It didn't come through as much on tonight's show, but every other live update lately has revealed her to really not understand the difference between manipulation and outright meanness.

- Drew: his relationship with Tully has completely sunk his chances, but the edits are also revealing him to be really two-faced. so much for the neutral Ph 7.0 drew we thought we had. he's become blinded by his tully obsession. if he has a hope, it might be that he and tully are a true forever-romance, made for each other, ride off into the sunset and hope that somehow that overcomes how unpalatable you both are as people

- Tully: i know why you were saved, but you really have no clue - it's because you're a hot mess. if you make it past more evictions it will be purely because voters want to see how far you can wreck your life.

- Tahan: your bitchiness and aggressiveness will keep you a while, but as the players dwindle, your lack of dynamism will be your downfall.

- Ben: I actually sense a whole lot of discomfort from Ben with what's happening in the house. His reactions are always magnified, but there was some genuine horror to his view of the HMs reactions. This could help him evolve beyond a mere caricature to someone with staying power

- Sisters: although there have been cracks of something fake to their shtick, I suspect what's beneath the perpetual-positive-veneer is actually more interesting. let's hope we see more of it - but they're going to have to avoid the Tahan-laid-traps

- Mikayla: her edit has evened out quite a bit, and I think her intention in helping tahan with Pool-gate was light hearted and playful. If she can solidify an alliance with Jade, the Sisters and Tim, they could wind up being both powerful and entertaining

- Jade: really great to see so much advancement in her edit. she comes across as genuine with no real guile - I'm not even sure she knows how to "play the game". her relationship history and explaining her feelings for and actions with regard to drew went a long way towards helping people understand her. and that's translating into votes. she could go a long way

- Tim: he has a more intuitive understanding of the voters than anyone else in the house, but don't rush to give him too much credit. He wasn't targeting caleb all along, he wasn't trying to save tully all along - he's as much surprised at the result as anyone. But on the other hand, surviving may just give him the moxy to keep up with his agenda (which is to sow chaos) rather than ease off because he was in the final 2. That said, he does have to be careful about letting his emotional reactions to the HMs retaliation get the better of him. He needs to take the high ground. Interesting that they finally found something he cares about: that damn jacket. lol
Big Brother the best show on Tullyvision! :confused:

I knew Tully was heading towards undeserved cult status!!!!! The HORROR!

I told people to save Rohan! But No One Listened!!!!!!!!!
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NB am confessing that I find Mathew VERY physically attractive..(but not Ed..for some reason..his body is fine but the Head...not so much)

I love how if you swap Matt and Ed around I'd swear I had written this post myself!
Hi guys :) I'm new to posting but have been reading for a while - just want to say that myself and my daughter went to the show tonight!! You didn't hear any 'boos' because they said we were not allowed to boo!! Also they said keep quiet when they spoke to the housemates live - so for the first few we said nothing, but then some couldn't help themselves and that's why the later ones got cheers. We sat in second row right behind the family. We knew Caleb would go as he had 4 family there and the others had 1. Tully's best friend was there and Mike G came up to her and said Tully will be safe tonight!! Tilly's gf now considers herself single!!
Still smarting over Drew being a double crosser AND actually liking Tully and her constant tantrums. Perhaps he gets off on the mentally disheveled. Maybe it's the attraction to equally bad hair. I've really done a complete turn around on him