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Episode Day 18 - Daily Show - Thursday 15 August 2013

Seriously they would have all saved themselves if they got the parcel. Seriously they're so friggen juvenile
The difference between Mikkayla and Tully.

M: "This is an experience and I'm going to experience it."

T: "I don't want my Big Brother experience being ruined because I don't like how BB controls everything and makes me sad and angry when I was HAPPY ALL DAY guys, and now it all came crashing down, I was happy ALL DAY, blah blah I have PMS blah."
I remember thinking on Launch Night that Mikkayla would end up as one of the wallflower housemates who didn't really do much - but she's basically been carrying my interest in the show for a few days now.
Mikkayla evil... Nah surely not haha funny now how she has changed! It is interesting to see how 90% of them are bitchy and showing signs of being a bully now also :-/ seems maby game is on more so now than before!!
Yeah I agree. Estelle was at least a strong character with her own confidence and stuff.

And she wasnt nasty or rude to people. Estelle cried like 3 times and that was when people were openly saying they hated her. I would have cried a lot more if I was her
Poor Warnie.
Hope Matt and Xavier go... Tully can stay just to drive the others insane.

Shame on you! Not Matt!

Barely seen Drew this episode.

I know :(

Matt really doesn't always reciprocate Caleb's brotherly statements.

I disagree completely

Me too, he's gross and so arrogant, peanut head

Shame on you! For saying that I'm putting a vote to save him in! :D

Yep noticed that, Matt is just a game player using the Caleb bromance to his advantage.

I find that comment nasty and unjust.
Yep noticed that, Matt is just a game player using the Caleb bromance to his advantage.

Haha well I wasn't think it was that manipulative, just that Caleb seems to be more into the "brothers" sentiment then Matt. Maybe Matt is just emotionally stunted?
Is everyone forgetting the fact that tahan also put mik back up for eliminations this week? So I don't think she had much of a moral duty to give her the save instead.
She is nothing like estelle!

She is

A sook, crys for sympathy, sooks over nothing, crys when's things don't go her way she is like Estelle

TULLY makes me angry mikkayla has been in the same amount of time and TULLY has cried more then Anyone in that house
And she wasnt nasty or rude to people. Estelle cried like 3 times and that was when people were openly saying they hated her. I would have cried a lot more if I was her
Oh but let's not forget about the "NINETEEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" incident...:p
To be fair though, Mikkayla doesn't actually owe Tahan anything. I mean, it would have been nice, but Tahan has no grounds to get annoyed on.

I agree and if Mikkayla wasn't in the HWH she would have saved Tahan without doubt and Matt was up anyway. WTF are they all on about