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what would you change to get ratings back?


Active Member
I have been reading everyones comments regarding the poor ratings this season has been getting. What do you think needs to change to get the ratings back... for me they need a controversy something to make people talk in social media I recently read a blog that had 12 ideas I think some silly but some very interesting...would get people talking what do you think?

1. No talking for a week. Controversial for a prime-time TV show, but why not? Housemates are not allowed to talk, or if they do it must be a well-known quote from a movie or TV show.

2. Seven celebrities in seven days. A new one enters the house for 24 hours at a time. Watch the ratings zoom.

3. Keep housemates updated. Big news events will prompt discussion.

4. Have weekly debates on big issues, not just the bland group dinners where each person has a turn sharing their opinion. Asylum seekers, Prime Minister for a day, how I'd spend my last $50 etc.

5. Ditch the intruders. Far from stirring the pot and creating mischief, we all end up suffering intruder fatigue as new face after new face is catapulted into the house.

6. Ditch the secrets. Just like the housemates who get to know each other, viewers feel cheated if a person's true identity is suddenly compromised.

7. For one week only, insert former Big Brother All Stars into the house, one day a week. Imagine if Trevor, Ben, Merlin, Hot Dogs, Sara-Marie or even that turkey-slapper guy just popped in.

8. Get rid of the taboos. So you can't talk about nominations or Big Brother or the inner workings of the reality TV show you are on. That's baloney. Housemates should be allowed to openly discuss the extraordinary situation they are in.

9. Go back to basics. If the producers have done their job correctly, they would have cast a solid enough mix of personalities to create drama on their own. Remember how BB started? A bunch of disparate characters thrown into close quarters who ended up having fascinating conversations.

10. Make it live. There's an edge-of-your-seat crackle in the air whenever live TV happens. Host Sonia Kruger would shine like a diamond if she was given a live show.

11. What about community? Animals, charity, kids ... why don't the housemates work on a project that benefits one of these groups?

12. Give the housemates the run of Dreamworld. Keeping track of everyone could prove to be a nightmare, but hello, you are a stone's throw from some of the coolest roller-coasters and wildlife in the world. Go crazy in there!
Return of Uplate or similar.
Stop having so many pre-records and edited and packaged stuff. Is there any content of this that is live?
Have a show on Sunday even if it is on Go or Gem.
They don't need to pull any stunts. They just need to edit the daily shows so they make sense and people can understand wtf is going on.

Also, fire Alex.
Return of Uplate or similar.
Stop having so many pre-records and edited and packaged stuff. Is there any content of this that is live?
Have a show on Sunday even if it is on Go or Gem.

I agree they have re runs on most of these channels late at night! Would defiantly get people more aware... are they not wanting us to "know" the housemates are they "Happy" to have us see what they want us too?
Streaming & Uplate.

Limited or fully done, it needs it.

Failing that - a step in the right direction would be to have a proper diary, done as 10 did it. With actual HM content.
IE don't tell me, Ben & Tim discuss their armpits and other HMs, tell me WHAT THEY FRIGGIN SAY LITERALLY.
This basic, very basic element could make a difference.

What they have now is an utter joke and INSULT!!!
I strongly agree I get these "Live updates" all day on Fb and Ig only to watch the daily show and its all the same thing they are posting about all day so it's nothing new
I'm not even gonna bother repeating myself on this topic as I've gone on about it already (and rather aggressively) in a couple of threads today and yesterday. There's A LOT that needs to be rectified. But even if they were to try and fix it, it's probably a bit late now.
I'm not even gonna bother repeating myself on this topic as I've gone on about it already (and rather aggressively) in a couple of threads today and yesterday. There's A LOT that needs to be rectified. But even if they were to try and fix it, it's probably a bit late now.

I dunno if it is too late.... My FB feed was FILLED last night and today about the Death on Offspring.... One event made people go crazy online made me even want to watch the show and i've never seen a episode ... Like the Turkey slap innocent now on steroids with social media it just needs people talking again...
I dunno if it is too late.... My FB feed was FILLED last night and today about the Death on Offspring.... One event made people go crazy online made me even want to watch the show and i've never seen a episode ... Like the Turkey slap innocent now on steroids with social media it just needs people talking again...
I wonder if a psychotic breakdown by Ben threatening everyone with a knife and screaming "MY MUMMY TOLD ME TO DO IT" will do the trick?
You need to realise.

Mondays show was at 8.10pm, which finished at 10.10pm.

Prime time is 7pm onwards.

Ch 9 shot themselves in the foot by putting Bog Brother on this late at night.

And so the ratings have dropped off. I feel ratings will be better tonight.

Yes, Editing of the show could be better.
- They need to devote more resources to pinpointing whatever story arcs are occurring in the house so that we can follow them as they unfold naturally.
- If they do this, they shouldn't need to focus so much on interventions and gimmicks. Interventions are not interesting anymore because we don't know who the housemates are, and consequently don't give a fuck how they will react to a talking fish.
- Scale all Daily Shows back to an hour in length. The excessively bloated mid-week Daily Shows that we have had since Nine took over are a major reason why BB interferes so much in the house to pad out the footage.
- Restructure the schedule so that the footage is more evenly distributed throughout the week. Add half an hour to Friday's Daily show, and most importantly, add a Sunday Daily Show at 6:30. The housemates cannot be expected to postpone any interesting character development until early in the week because it doesn't suit Nine's schedule, and consequently we will have an uneven portrayal of events in the house which is incredibly hard to follow. Events we see on Thursdays might not make any sense because we never got to see the build-up which occurred in the house last Friday and was edited out to cram three days worth of footage into Monday's eviction show. Does anyone know of any other Big Brother anywhere in the world where the schedule has been so twisted to suit the network's demands?
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- They need to devote more resources to pinpointing whatever story arcs are occurring in the house so that we can follow them as they unfold naturally.
- If they do this, they shouldn't need to focus so much on interventions and gimmicks. Interventions are not interesting anymore because we don't know who the housemates are, and consequently don't give a fuck how they will react to a talking fish.
- Scale all Daily Shows back to an hour in length. The excessively bloated mid-week Daily Shows that we have had since Nine took over are a major reason why BB interferes so much in the house to pad out the footage.
- Restructure the schedule so that the footage is more evenly distributed throughout the week. Add half an hour to Friday's Daily show, and most importantly, add a Sunday Daily Show at 6:30. The housemates cannot be expected to postpone any interesting character development until early in the week because it doesn't suit Nine's schedule, and consequently we will have an uneven portrayal of events in the house which is incredibly hard to follow. Events we see on Thursdays might not make any sense because we never got to see the build-up which occurred in the house last Friday and was edited out to cram three days worth of footage into Monday's eviction show. Does anyone know of any other Big Brother anywhere in the world where the schedule has been so twisted to suit the Network's demands?

This I LIKE hopefully someone from BB is reading this they need something!! :eek:
As a re-read what I've just written, the more I come to realise that Nine is probably more to blame than the producers and editors. I would imagine that the editors are having a hell of a time trying to navigate such a schedule.
Stop heavily editing and inventing narratives. Allow stories/personalities to develop organically. Bring back Up Late, because it's impossible to get to know what any of the HMs are really like with the current editing/manipulation.
I think Nine only cares about getting a passable ratings figure until AGT comes on.