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Which housemate had the largest c*ck this year?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahHahahHHHHH Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahahahahahahaahq Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa
Oh dear.. I thought you were kidding about camming nude. What kind of a desperate slut webcams strangers, especially nude? Dearie me, can't you find a willing partner in real life? Now I feel sad for you. I'll stop with the insults now.. I genuinely feel bad, I was just messing when I said you were a sad sorry loser who has no life, but when you find out it's true.. It's terribly alarming.. I feel like I just made fun of the disabled kid or something! :( even sadder that you can't find a willing straight man to cam with. I don't know who to feel more sorry for. But there is a silver lining to every cloud, atleast if you had a hacker watching your keystrokes and camrea, atleast they would have run for the hills.. Free antivirus software with 100% success rate :)

Anyway, no need to get your knickers in a twist, I'm only on here today because I have the flu, I usually don't sit around talking about petty things like big brother all day, it's probably the least productive day I've ever had in my entire lifetime. Don't know how you mange to do it everyday. I feel guilty just wasting one lazy Sunday doing it! so wipe away those tears, you will have your life back tomorrow whilst I'm at work and you just have to submit your centerlink form online you taxpayer roughter! I paid for your computer and webcam so that you could flash your enormous labia to gay men? Real productive! I bet your kids would be proud.

You really need to work on your proof reading before you take your show on the road.

Otherwise you just look silly.


Yes she does, she wears them on her head.

Got a feeling I might just make it to Stalker #4 this year!

Hooray for fuckwits
Hooray at last
Hooray for fuckwits
They make BBB a blast
Don't be mistaken
Don't be misled
Sure they find it hard to type
But Tra still gives smokin' head

Funny how you get this kind of thread on BB forums but never one on female genitals, not that I think either is worth discussion.
Oh god, what a health hazard that'd be with her enormous stinky labia flopping about like Peter rabbits ears.. Splashing it's fish like stench all over the place.. I don't believe she could go pantie-less.. Her labia would get knotted.. I guess that's a risk she's willing to take since no men are around to snorkel their way downtown anyway.. The computer chair must be rotten and disintergratimg from her rotten pussy juices dripping down the legs,with a stench is so strong, it reacts like acid, it could dissolve a stainless steel chair.
Sorry sweetheart.

But she was dissin' my pussy.


Pfft you truly are delusional if you think you are interesting enough to have a stalker.
Just because some random retaliates your insults and hurls a few back at you doesn't make it a stalker.

You're not interesting enough to have a stalker, trust me. Not even a debt collector would chase you down with a face like that (yes, I did my research and found a photo) be careful about using the same usernames next time if you don't want to get docced ;)

Got a feeling I might just make it to Stalker #4 this year!

Hooray for fuckwits
Hooray at last
Hooray for fuckwits
They make BBB a blast
Don't be mistaken
Don't be misled
Sure they find it hard to type
But Tra still gives smokin' head

Pfft you truly are delusional if you think you are interesting enough to have a stalker.
Just because some random retaliates your insults and hurls a few back at you doesn't make it a stalker.

You're not interesting enough to have a stalker, trust me. Not even a debt collector would chase you down with a face like that (yes, I did my research and found a photo) be careful about using the same usernames next time if you don't want to get docced ;)


Stalker #4 fo sho.
God you reply quickly. You really don't have anything better to do, do you? Except spend our tax dollars.. The only thing that'd get you off the Internet would be lining up for your centrelink appointments to ensure your dole money gets deposited in time ya filthy animal.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahHahahHHHHH Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahahahahahahaahq Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahHahahHHHHH Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa hahahahahahahaahq Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa


Tears n wee

^and this...

We got a live one!


You took the words right out of my mouth!
Funny how you get this kind of thread on BB forums but never one on female genitals, not that I think either is worth discussion.

How can you discuss female genitals?
People discuss tit size all the time.

As for the vagina how would we be able to discuss that? Did you want to discuss who had the bigggest hole? Ok well I think Angie seemed like a bit of a slut so probably not as tight as she could be. Hmmm...Sarah seemed uptight so I guess she hasn't seen much hence probably has a tight one...see how offensive and ludicrous a discussion that would be...

Now back to cock!
God you reply quickly. You really don't have anything better to do, do you? Except spend our tax dollars.. The only thing that'd get you off the Internet would be lining up for your centrelink appointments to ensure your dole money gets deposited in time ya filthy animal.

Stalker #4, you do realise you responded within two minutes of my post, yes?

You really need to work on your proof reading before you take your show on the road.

Otherwise you just look silly.


No no. That's not how this person rolls. I found out that they care not for the rules of spelling or grammar when I questioned what the word "nuspch" meant. Come to find out it was meant to be "much".
Pfft you truly are delusional if you think you are interesting enough to have a stalker.
Just because some random retaliates your insults and hurls a few back at you doesn't make it a stalker.

You're not interesting enough to have a stalker, trust me. Not even a debt collector would chase you down with a face like that (yes, I did my research and found a photo) be careful about using the same usernames next time if you don't want to get docced ;)

Yet you were interested enough to google her and find a picture? sounds fairly interested to me