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Will Ben be booed when evicted?

No. Regardless of how people feel about him, he has been entertaining. And at least he has been honest. The others aren't being honest.
Nah, Ben has....some issues....I actually feel a bit sorry for him.
Michael sure as hell does.
Agree about Michael. He is just trying TOO hard to win. Not being honest.
It has happened and with HM on stage during interview but rare. Joanne BB3 got booed on stage and so did Merlin BB4 during his silent protest, and David the farmer BB6 had some booes and was rushed by a spectator who was wrestled to the ground by security, and some others but not much :)
Ben has been a complete failtard for the past couple of weeks but I've never hated him nor agreed with some of the nastier things people say about him here.

I believe that at heart he's a decent chap who has issues with peer acceptance and approval, which causes him to over-analyse everything and set himself into a spiral of negativity. Although he can be a snappy bastard at times I genuinely believe he isn't motivated by a desire to be mean or cruel. He's just incapable of understanding his own emotions.
yep i would boo him i couldnt give a flying rats ring that he is gay if i lived with him i would had him buried in the compound in the first week hes strange
Mmmm. I sort of feel sorry for Ben in that BB has shown so much more footage of him, probably because the others are a bit dull, and because he just speaks his mind all the time, he has come across as soooo bitchy. I have seen all the others, except probably Zoe, being bitchy aboutmthe others but BB choses to show more of Ben.
No, he shouldn't be booed. He should be having an interesting interview with Gretel, though; not a froth piece with Sonia.
Ben has been getting the most cheers out of any other housemate from the live audience so no, I highly doubt he will get booed.