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Zoe the redneck homophobe...or not?

I really hope she doesn't win because I'm tired of Australia celebrating the ocker bogans with the conservative values, she seems nice in the house but tonight she showed how incredibly under the radar she is by going in to see BB just to say she voted for Michael because she didn't think he'd be up for noms which she probably stated so the public wouldn't judge her. I'm against what she has chosen to stand for.
I'd be curious to know how Bowen has managed to spin the figures to come to that conclusion. I've found a quote where he says that after the proposed increase "It will mean Australia becomes the second largest source of resettlement in the world, after only the United States." I've found another article that claims, "Australia is the UNHCR’s largest resettlement country on a per capita basis."

The quote that you mention from Chris Bowen is not on a per capita basis. What he is saying is that with a population of 22 million we are the second largest source of resettlement in the world, behind only the US with a population of about 300 million. We are well and truly taking our fair share.
Indeed you do seem to be rather obsessed in taking me down as opposed to having an adult discussion about anything. It's sad. I pity you.

You really are a funny one.

I have no interest in taking you down.

I just find the contradictory nature of your posts most bizarre.

They are your quotes, taken from your posts. And the one accusing a fellow poster as a "presumptuous bitch who cannot follow the conversation properly" was directed at me, on this very day. And it is not the first time you yourself have used audacious and vitriolic language when interacting with posters on here.

I personally don't have a problem with it. But when you make yourself the forum moral compass and a self proclaimed example of all that is positive and wholesome when it comes to debating - then on closer inspection we look at your post history and how you conduct yourself, you just end up looking like a hypocrite. If you are going to talk the talk, you really must walk the walk.

I didn't have to stalk to find those comments, they are like the last five comments you have made.

And for the record, I thought this was an adult discussion.
Dear Trala, my most devoted "follower",

I have responded to you and certain other people in a vitriolic way because sometimes you can only fight fire with fire.

If you want to TALK about my views, let's talk.

Ready steady go (I'm going to edit this post Trala)...I don't know why you are obsessed with me nor why you have a problem with anyone editing their posts. Plus I can see that you keep checking out my profile...why?

You really are a funny one.

I have no interest in taking you down.

I just find the contradictory nature of your posts most bizarre.

They are your quotes, taken from your posts. And the one accusing a fellow poster as a "presumptuous bitch who cannot follow the conversation properly" was directed at me, on this very day. And it is not the first time you yourself have used audacious and vitriolic language when interacting with posters on here.

I personally don't have a problem with it. But when you make yourself the forum moral compass and a self proclaimed example of all that is positive and wholesome when it comes to debating - then on closer inspection we look at your post history and how you conduct yourself, you just end up looking like a hypocrite. If you are going to talk the talk, you really must walk the walk.

I didn't have to stalk to find those comments, they are like the last five comments you have made.

And for the record, I thought this was an adult discussion.
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Dear Trala, my most devoted "follower",

I have responded to you and certain other people in a vitriolic way because sometimes you can only fight fire with fire.

If you want to TALK about my views, let's talk.


And the best offence is a good defence....

You are nothing, if not predictable.

I think I have gone about as far as I want to go with you, as far as direct interaction goes.

Enjoy the rest of your Big Brother Season, and I hope everything works out for you.
kiddie commies @ skewl

Marty smarty, I've deleted nothing, nor been embarrassed about any of my view points. I've edited certain things, generally spelling errors and occasionally to add to my point of view. Again, you try to argue semantics and arbitrary bullshit. It's a damn shame that you can't talk about the heart of the issues that I and others have brought up.

Alien-She deleted her post after you quoted it.

I imagine you are both 16 year old girls on school holidays, doing modern history for the HSC, enthraled in the revolutions of history, and looking to try class warfare on internet forums. Glad to be part of your education.
handbags at 20 turning before I say the word "onion"
Plus darling Trala, you're not reading my posts properly if you think they are, or I am contradictory.

I respond to trolls with reason AND the the appropriate vitriol, if you want to call it that, when warranted.

I generally respond to people with reason. Indeed I've been incredibly patient and tried to REASON with everyone including you. Upon the vitriol aimed at me after an attempt at reasoning, I have indeed "bitten" back. I do believe that's fair. But again, you want to talk semantics, which is pretty pathetic. I'd rather TALK! About interesting TOPICS! Not about arbitrary SHIT!
I can't speak for alien-she but I am 31 and I don't attack people, I try to discuss ideas. That of course appears to be anathema to you.

Alien-She deleted her post after you quoted it.

I imagine you are both 16 year old girls on school holidays, doing modern history for the HSC, enthraled in the revolutions of history, and looking to try class warfare on internet forums. Glad to be part of your education.
ok break it up ladies now trala Ive been watching reruns of prisoner so If you are joan fergusen let me know and you will have no drama from me. seems you gals have brought your earlier liasons here.

Thats cool but the powers that be will probably step on ya both and that would be crap I am regularly stepped on but I dererve it.

so......jelly wrestling seems to be the only rational answer.
Whatever you do Trala, keep your job as a jailor. Don't ever try your hand at being a journalist. Well, not for a decent paper anyway. I'm sure Rupert Murdoch would hire you, you show great talent for showing half the story, as it were...but don't try to be a journalist with integrity. You'd fail.