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BBUK 13 - Daily Shows Discussion Thread

I've enjoyed many/most of the tasks, but the casting was shit and makes this the worst BBUK I've watched. but - 'in for a penny in for a pound' - I'll see it through.
Can anyone explain to me the criteria by which Luka (Luke A) is classified as a man? Surely anyone with no Y chromosome, still in possession of a functioning vagina, and no penis, is a woman.

Oh. And can we just have Scott killed please? Horrible person.
I'm actually loving this series! Yeah, there are some people in there who I don't care for and I don't want them to win. But watching it play out these past few weeks has been great! A classic good vs evil type scenario playing out and it's been very entertaining!
Well it's terrible because there's noone likeable in there. But yes, it has had its entertainment value I guess, just not in a positive way. I am looking forward to Conor getting his comeuppance. He is so sure he is the shizzle, untouchable, the main man, and that the viewing public love him (almost as much as he loves himself)... so when he gets evicted I cannot wait to see the look on his face. Especially if he comes fifth.
Christ I LITERALLY wish Sheivonne would LITERALLY shut up. She is LITERALLY driving me insane with her attitude and LITERALLY constant use of the word... LITERALLY!

Isn't Caroline also guilty in using literally over and over again?..... She shits me, that little tramp.

I am looking forward to Conor getting his comeuppance. He is so sure he is the shizzle, untouchable, the main man, and that the viewing public love him (almost as much as he loves himself)... so when he gets evicted I cannot wait to see the look on his face. Especially if he comes fifth.

Oh, me too!!!.
It is quite funny that his attitude towards Deana has propelled her into a favourite position...

She isn't that interesting but as an underdog she is in with a really good chance to win... (as are Adam and Luke A... the cool kids don't like them but they are on a path to the final)
Can anyone explain to me the criteria by which Luka (Luke A) is classified as a man? Surely anyone with no Y chromosome, still in possession of a functioning vagina, and no penis, is a woman..

I am no expert, but when one is transitioning it is done in sections after rigorous psych testing and then constant (in Lukes case) testosterone injections etc. Then a masectomy. Then conversion of his sex organs into a more male format (increasing the clitoris to a small penis size [I think]
It's a very long process and it comes down to identity. He feels like a man (both mentally and physically after all the testosterone) and acts like a man and has been legally accepted as a man. He may not have a dick at the moment but his identity is very male.

I don't know a lot information wise, but I do know 2 people who were brave enough to transition and it is not an easy road at all. But they are so more content with their lives being true to themselves.

Wiki it. Its worth having a look. Society is changing and its better to ask questions than be scared of them.
Apparently there was a documentary in the uk on transition and Luke A was to be a part of it but backed out because he wasn't ready for everybody to know about it. Only his family knew prior to BB. And he only told his FIL about two weeks before he went in.

They're all pretty vile but I'm lovin' it. Love the tasks, they've been brilliant. They're not very funny housemates though they're quite miserable people when it comes down to it.

Tonight will be interesting. I can't wait to see who goes.
I am no expert, but when one is transitioning it is done in sections after rigorous psych testing and then constant (in Lukes case) testosterone injections etc. Then a masectomy. Then conversion of his sex organs into a more male format (increasing the clitoris to a small penis size [I think]
It's a very long process and it comes down to identity. He feels like a man (both mentally and physically after all the testosterone) and acts like a man and has been legally accepted as a man. He may not have a dick at the moment but his identity is very male.

I don't know a lot information wise, but I do know 2 people who were brave enough to transition and it is not an easy road at all. But they are so more content with their lives being true to themselves.

Wiki it. Its worth having a look. Society is changing and its better to ask questions than be scared of them.

I think this defines the moment when I am officially too old understand life as it now, apparently, is. How you can be legally defined as something just because that's what you feel like you should be is beyond me.

But when, um, 'he' explained that, even after the imminent surgery, any erections would have to be accomplished by means of a rubber bulb and an air pump, I thought, what kind of life is that?
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Luke A's throwaway comment about Becky's BMI was a bit mean. She really has a problem though. She is completely obsessed with food, not only gorging on it when she can, but to the point of hoarding it. That's a psychological problem and she needs to get help. She's one of those people who feels miserable about themselves and eats for comfort, literally (sorry) feeding the problem that is causing her damage to her self worth. It's pretty sad.

OK I'm no shrink but that's how it comes across.
Luke A's throwaway comment about Becky's BMI was a bit mean. She really has a problem though. She is completely obsessed with food, not only gorging on it when she can, but to the point of hoarding it. That's a psychological problem and she needs to get help. She's one of those people who feels miserable about themselves and eats for comfort, literally (sorry) feeding the problem that is causing her damage to her self worth. It's pretty sad.

OK I'm no shrink but that's how it comes across.

Agreed... 80% of the time she is shovelling food in her mouth.
Ok I don't think I can watch BBUK ever again* after that white room outcome. Basically they offered them half the winner's money to walk. WTF?

Surely they should have offered a smaller amount, NOT part of the main prize (maybe up to £10,000) and let the person who pressed the button keep that cash and stay in and play out the season, with the other one going into the final?

Conor was so undeserving and they have denied viewers the chance to see him (inevitably) get evicted.

What a crock of shit.

*clearly that's untrue but i really hate what they did.
You really have to wonder what they were thinking. There were ways they could have made this a much better twist. Like letting the public vote for who went into the white room knowing the final twist. And if the money HAD to come out of the prize fund, I would have maxed it out at 25,000.

Conor did not deserve that money.

But I will say, the drama it caused with Luke S has been kind of entertaining to watch. It's just really not fair at all to the winner though.
It's just really not fair at all to the winner though.

Exactly. The *eighth* place HM wins as much as the winner.

Maybe they shouldn't have told them the counter would go up for 60 seconds? If they'd just said the offer will increase for an unspecified number of seconds they might have hit it sooner. Or missed out.

This was the opposite of the white room in BBAU (which they also managed to screw up). As I recall, Cruz caved and hit the button on a cash offer of $750 and totally blew it: Gretel then revealed BB was planning on offering up to $20k, and he'd single-handedly just fluffed their whole live show.
Conor is a total ass-hat. I admire him for being such a c*nt and commenting on Deana being money hungry and... gee guess what he does?

I even felt somewhat sorry for Luke S and I hate him with a passion.
Yeah he was so sly about it telling Luke to take it and making out he wasn't and then taking it. He showed no remorse at all. Even if it was someone I didn't like I still wouldn't screw them over like that.