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Why is it fair for Travis to be offered money?

It's not unfair at all, and it's just a case of Mayday Mayday Initiate Plan B! after the first iteration of the twist didn't play out exactly how they wanted. But as @Tim said, I'd rather Travis' ego not get the boost that winning the game will give him, and if the winner's prize fund (i.e. something that has no real bearing on my life) gets affected in the process, well, I guess that's how it's gotta be in this mess of a season.

The worst part is, this almost encourages showmances, because hey, if you're hooking up with someone, you might get a split of fifty grand!
Priya and Katie were handed the first head of house with no vote, so really it's not that different.

It's possible that David is in trouble and they want to save him in order to keep the two sides of the house more balanced. Sam and Sandra are both gone, and everyone knows Cat and Lawson won't be surviving much longer. They won't get as much drama if every one left in the house are good friends.
Trav is one of the producer's favourites. He got a fake eviction (giving him even more airtime) and was portrayed as the victim during the Ryan fight. This whole self-evict ordeal also gives him more airtime and as a result, he will garner more votes in the future.
What do you mean portrayed as the victim ? From the dialogue in that fight, Ryan made a threatening comment, before that it was joking around... So I don't know what you know there..
Good, I hope the money gets down to sweet fuck all. Any breaches such as not wearing mics etc should also have been taken off the end prize money as well.
What's worse... Travis getting $25,000 for doing nothing or Travis winning Big Brother?

I guess him winning is worse. Because I see him as the kind of guy who will quickly piss $25,000 up the wall at Crown Casino / Eve and then fizzle into obscurity. I just don't want him to get the winning fame / ego trip that he so desperately craves.

Aisha is a coaster in the BB house but Travis is a coaster in life - typical good looking footy bloke who has things easy in life and is handed opportunities on a platter that other people have to work hard for. "Boys club" situations etc. I probably sound like a whinger but there are certainly people out there like that.
same with Skye for the female perspective
That answers my question then about how Travis and Aisha came to be the ones faced with the decision. Should have known the answer was "producers fixed it".