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What would reepbot say?

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From the little I know of people with these sort of disorders they try their hardest to fit in, be accepted and liked and do everything within their powers to avoid throwing people under the bus but interestingly enough you enjoy doing that here with abandon (you put it down to being cheeky something or other) so I'm left somewhat confused. :confused: :p

When you meet one person with autism you have met one person with autism.
When you meet one person with autism you have met one person with autism.
Well said.

That is a very quick, well thought out and insightful response there, Reepbot, and I couldn't agree more.

Your mask is slipping.
I would say so.

For someone who prides himself on being socially awkward and unaware he is one of the best forum manipulators I have ever seen.

I love the seemingly innocent way he randomly mentions Jam in the middle of a spat when he thinks she is going to miss an opportunity sprinkle some passive aggressive "likes". It is hilariously transparent.


So 'like' is only available to Trala-approved knee jerkers now?

Ok. I'm fine with that.
sometimes i lie awake at night and try to cry. I try to make the tears come but i just can't do it. I feel so much, i just feel so much that i don't think anyone can understand me. I hate feeling nervous, i really do. I shake and stammer and sweat when i meet new people. It causes me great pain, a pain so deep and so wide that it cripples me emotionally. My heart, my ever loving heart, gets saddened by the pain. It makes me feel like i want to cry, but for some reason i can't, i just can't. I often rage against the injustice of me not being able to cry. It sickens me that i can not cry. Why can't i cry? Am i not human for not crying ? Am i an emotionless robot who should just die? Maybe i should die, then the world will be a better place? All i want to be is understood. That is all i want.
sometimes i lie awake at night and try to cry. I try to make the tears come but i just can't do it. I feel so much, i just feel so much that i don't think anyone can understand me. I hate feeling nervous, i really do. I shake and stammer and sweat when i meet new people. It causes me great pain, a pain so deep and so wide that it cripples me emotionally. My heart, my ever loving heart, gets saddened by the pain. It makes me feel like i want to cry, but for some reason i can't, i just can't. I often rage against the injustice of me not being able to cry. It sickens me that i can not cry. Why can't i cry? Am i not human for not crying ? Am i an emotionless robot who should just die? Maybe i should die, then the world will be a better place? All i want to be is understood. That is all i want.

have you ever considered being a talk show host?
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