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The PRIYANKA and DAVID Tea Lounge

I got a Truth Bomb.

You are all stark raving fucking mad!!

But that aside, you know me. I am not one to cause trouble but Medusa, told LoveBB and LoveBB told littlebear and littlebear told Brent and Brent told me that Madonna said that either David or Priya (I am not sure which one) once did a poo in the toilets and maccas and didn't flush afterwards!!


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Now the big question to both David and Priya fans! Are you going to just sit there slack jawed staring at the screen or are you going to start a new thread and fight for his/her honour?!

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Thanks Trala for the shitty post, remember to wipe and flush next time:p

I feel 98% sure it was Priya!

It's just the sort of thing she would do!

Dump and run, leaving the poor servants to clean up after her!
was the poo a floater?
We know David's out of the house, so has a greater chance of going to mcd.gif but there was some early speculation that the HM's weren't being filmed 24/7, so it's a possibility Priya has left the house at some stagetoilet.gif
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Heard some lovely chit chat going on so just popped in for cucumber sandwiches and a nice cup of sweet Earl Grey and oh, my merde! McDonalds soft serve is actually on the menu.
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