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Survivor: Titans vs Rebels - Episode 4

I thought Kirby played it well. We don’t often seeing players counting the votes and working stuff out post vote. But yeah, seems to not have been quite the mastermind now.
…hey bleachy… thank god I double checked… I was just starting up an episode thread lol!… thanks for starting it my friend… cheers.
I thought Kirby played it well. We don’t often seeing players counting the votes and working stuff out post vote. But yeah, seems to not have been quite the mastermind now.
I think she had the right idea, but I don’t think I agree with her wanting to vote with the cuddle crew to save face with them and to give her options as she says. I’d rather piss off 3 people than 6.
…I’m glad that we’re offering opinions and constructive criticism of this show and are not having to pick shit out of it and get quite hostile towards it because we’re disappointed with it like we were with Big Brother… I’m liking this show because they aren’t all clones of each other like they were on Big Brother… cheers.