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Pornstache Portaits

I was eating a burger today which then resulting into me drawing this:


OMG these are hilarious! You're really talented! Wow, really cool. Could you please do PRIYA?!?
Hahaha I like these.
Hey Miami!

Did the players of your game ever forgive you for the multi Nic debacle?

I personally thought it was hilarious. do you still have them, or did the serial reporter report you to admin?
...oh wow Pornstache... that is incredible artwork my friend... you have a great talent there my friend... more please!... cheers.
Hey Miami!

Did the players of your game ever forgive you for the multi Nic debacle?

I personally thought it was hilarious. do you still have them, or did the serial reporter report you to admin?
Thank you! I'm glad there is a viewer out there who did see the funny side to it, most of the forumates took no offence to it, that was until after the hacking when everything returned back to normal that the "serial reporter (IM)" thought that she could spoil the fun by tagging the admin and moderator on one of the threads we were chatting on. This resulted in the banning of Flowerz1n, eddy04 & even Gama who was the most important feature of the thread as BB. I guess in the end it mattered what forumates I chose, some take games so seriously that they become aggressive over it. Next year if I can ever create a second thread for it I may have to contain some rules not to allow anymore people such as that who end up walking the game in the process.
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