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Off Tahan



It's like watching someone kick a puppy with her being so mean to the sparkly sisters...and then backtracking when they confront her. Not a fan of that. Watch her popularity drop.
I totally agree, Ta-ham is a bitch and a mean girl. The sparkly sisters are really nice and dont say anything bad to or about anyone and she feels so threatened by them that she has to say horrible things.
Anti Ta-ham thread

Ta-ham is a very mean girl. She is trying to back track but she is dumb as shit.
Then she makes stuff up when she tries to talk herself out of the trouble she just created. She KNOWS she has done the wrong thing so if she knows why do it????
Close thread - There has already been a thread created about 10 minutes ago like this. Thanks.
caz71 I didn't notice that. Well she will get evicted soon enough!!
She wasn't that mean. And she finds the twins irritating just like others, but they won't be as open about it. Mikkeyla was actually nasty in elaborating on what Tahan said and making it sound worse, gone off her and not Tahan.
What Mikkayla did is what a friend would do. Tahan needed to keep her mouth shut if he didnt want it repeated.
Mikkayla exaggerated, she is definitely no friend to Tahan. Her tactic didn't work though, Tahan is still there.
She wasn't that mean. And she finds the twins irritating just like others, but they won't be as open about it. Mikkeyla was actually nasty in elaborating on what Tahan said and making it sound worse, gone off her and not Tahan.

It wasn't clever of Mikkayla to do that, it backfired
Lol is that any different from mikkayla calling tahan out on being the dumbest person she has ever met? hmm...Both the twins are a pair of sooks, grow up thanks.
So I guess what everyone is saying, is that they'll prefer the Barbie twins then Tahan in the house longer, that'll make great TV.
I would never say the crap that comes out of Tahams mouth to anyone. Its mean and unneccessary. The two blondes have uni degrees or nearing the end of their degree and Taham has nothing. I would call her Taham on a forum tho hehehehe!!!!
Lol she basically called the sisters idiots and that one of them would be a sh/tty teacher. I'd be pissed off too.
I can't see everyone saying that, in fact many are on here prefer Taham over the twins. As for great tv, bahahaha!!! Do you honestly think the housemates have anything to do with great tv??? Its the editors and producers who make the great tv.