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Nobbi's hissy fit at Terri's return

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Sorry I thought it deserved it's own thread. His reaction was priceless.
And moments later they showed him scratching.... and I was like ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Never noticed much until I read it on here.
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All I heard was a massive bleep which didn't seem to stop. Well it did, but then it went back to massive bleep.
Nobbi is starting to annoy me more than Rory now. That was a pathetic, ungracious way to act. What an arrogant prick!
Nobbi has spent 3 hours confirming what we always suspected: He's a turd in asshole's clothing.
as I said in another thread. He needs to get over it and not be a serious arse.

I hate Nobhead and I hope he goes soon. Terri's the ruler!!
longest beep ever..

my flatmate thought it was the smoke alarm
Someone said that Nobbi plays with his microscopic manhood because he feels nervous or intimidated or something arather. That was confirmed tonight, ey?
longest beep ever..

my flatmate thought it was the smoke alarm

LOL..His reaction was priceless, couldn't believe he started kicking stuff around though in a hissy fit, can't wait to see the daily show and big mouth tomorrow night:D
the beeping was excessive.

watch the live uncensored feed.

racist people

Racist people? I don't see anywhere people hating him because of his race. The people here hate him cause of what he is: a knob. Race has nothing to do with it.

Back on topic...

I was actually hoping when he spat it they would cut back to Kyle and Jackie O, cause I know they would have been dying to comment more on it, but also that beep that went for a good while was bloody annoying
Who did Barney say was crowd favourite? How would he know if he's been in lockdown and had earphones during the show? Whoever it was used to sell dildos.
Nobbi is showing how immature he is by his reaction to Terri's return. I hope the rest of the HM's take note of this and nominate him when they get the chance. I hope Terri gets the last laugh again.
I'm sure his hissy fit was more annoying than the loud resonant beep.
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