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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2016) - Episode Discussion

...I hope that they don't get their families on tonight because I really hate that type of stuff... they always say the same old thing about how good they are etc... it slows the show down and besides... they'll see them in a few days anyway... cheers.
I have no idea who I'd pick as my family. No-one in my family watches this sort of stuff. How embarrassment for me if I was a finalist, lol.
...FatPants and Tuttle... Cagney and Lacey... Batman and Robin... yeah it would work... you two are a great sounding partnership in crime fighting there guys... lol!... cheers.
I have no idea who I'd pick as my family. No-one in my family watches this sort of stuff. How embarrassment for me if I was a finalist, lol.

...hahaha!... I'd be the same... I'd be too scared to pick ANY of my family members to be there... I'd be too worried about them telling the whole world what an annoying childish pain in the arse that I am that loves to tease and irritate the shit out of people 24/7 all the time lol!... cheers.
Doesn't that look spectacular! sure does Khun Khun... that is so on my 'to do list' to go and see that one day... Lindsay lives there and can go and see it for herself the lucky girl... that Helicopter ride would've been beyond awesome... cheers.
This is nice, very nice viewing
And you guys, same as you I could not ask a single family member of my generation, they either ill or nuts.
But - you just ask the next gen, plenty of adventurous souls there that would love it in my lot. nuts!... watching Paul see his wife and kids is starting to melt my thoughts on having the relatives seeing them... damn the Producers!... I was trying so hard to stand firm on that statement!... and now it's Fev's turn... well so much for me being a cold heartless bastard then :rolleyes:... cheers.